Now I understand the (•_•) unimpressed/neutral faced emoji for chapter 3. Like wtf are you doing sir, heck yeah that was aggressive?!
Why are they freaking step-brothers, why can't they be two classmates or childhood friends?
If I could talk to these characters, like I really wanna interrogate Minchan. Since when was Taewook yours, Minchan?
Smoke whatever the f-ck you want, but don't hold it in and then kiss someone. That's gross.
Those buttons are really latching on for dear life even tho it's on the wrong spot.
There's no way in HELL that licking his forehead will disinfect him! Disgusting shit, saliva ain't a disinfectant!
Is it me who thinks Jeremy's nephew has quicker character development than Jeremy himself?
Am I the one questioning about LEGO Dowon (Full Volume comic) at the first page of ch 4?
Need money, ex boyfriend? How about getting job? I cannot believe this asshole somehow has a girlfriend/wife & a son, if that kid really his son.
I don't want a baby. I don't want a baby. I don't want a baby. I DON'T WANT A BABY.
Yeonwoo was mad before and now he's horny. Pick one dude not both.
Yigang didn't tell him about the neck mark either, right? Wtf is going on here?
Just because he's a wolf doesn't mean you can forgive him that easily.
Someone put "masochist top/seme" in tags, the tags ain't working on my side.
This policeman is too kind, he took in a criminal in his home twice. Like why?
Where irl are the nerdy otakus with tall build and big pecs?
"Zero concern, no responsibility, guilt involved" uhh have you heard of hurting someone's feelings?