Okay so. I'm looking for a manga. Doubt anybody will know but if you do, much appreciation to you.
There's this dude. He has lots on followers on his social media accounts. One day, he gets sucked in (or somehow) maybe kidnapped? I don't remember, into this "game".
Many other people are in it. Them whom have lots of followers as well. A loud speaker voice thing announces that they are now in a death game.
All the while being broadcasted live where their followers can see. (somehow). The followers are given a few minutes to unfollow the people who have been sent to the area.
Those who do not unfollow them in time die. Those who have zero followers by the time is done also die.
Basically the game is a game of the wits. The MC teams w/ other characters in panic, and they decide to follow each other. Also, he is betrayed by his girlfriend because she unfollowed him. He knew this and felt betrayed.
One round of the next game is based on who can get the most views on a live stream they broadcast.
Anyone know what this manga is called?

Doubt anyone will know what it is but just in case.
So there's this horny girl. She fucks around a lot. With girls, guys, threesomes, some rough play she does it all. Then all of a sudden, when she wakes up she finds herself alone in the world.
Taking this opportunity, she puts on some sexy lingerie and grinds against a sloped bar or something and masturbates, after she's done her pussy juice is left on it and she seems happy, except shes not satisfied, thinking "fuck, I want to fuck someone". Or something like that.
Then she finds a fatty boy. She was disgusted at first but they fuck eventually cuz he's the only person around.
There's also this one scene where they got separated and she ended up getting molested near a pole by a dude w/ a muscular build. We can't see his face tho.
Srry this is way too long.

I know this is so off topic but.. who here believes in god? I got into an argument w/ some chick online about her god and it made me think..
What makes you believe in god? Why? How? What makes you put so much faith into your god who has never even shown any proof of his/her existence?

I believe in God because I have faith. I don't need to see shit to believe it, or else I sure as hell probably would believe the earth was flat (pics can be fabricated, I've never been to space). There is neither no proof nor any disproof for His existence, and I don't need any. Y'all atheists believe he doesn't exist without being able to disprove his existence, and that's cool. I simply believe that He was the one who triggered the big bang and set everything into motion, but I don't really believe in the Old Testament or much of the Bible even though I'm catholic. I'm not motivated by all the rituals and stuff put in place by the church, I don't believe God is good or bad; I simply believe God IS. He doesn't make anything happen, doesn't intervene or cause miracles (except through Christ 2 millenia ago), but nothing would be able to happen without Him. And praying to Him can give comfort to those who need it, even if it doesn't truly impact us. I used to pray because my faith was much stronger and it helped me out, but not so much anymore. Dunno if that makes sense, but eh.

Because there's 0 proof of how this whole world is a thing. like how the earth exists and all those species of animals, humans their organs, nerves and all that complicated stuff. All the proofs out there doesn't make any sense and the sounds like aetheists backing up their beliefs lol. but yeah again there's no clear proof of god's existence. but if god exists and hell and heaven are real, you will go to hell if you don't believe in him. believing in god doesn't really affect my life that much, even if it did i'd still believe in god. bec all the stuff I don't get to do irl is nothing compared to being in hell for eternity, even if there's a chance that I did all of that for vain. if there's a chance that god exists or not I'll choose the path to believe in God because there's consequences if I don't. + I find unbelievable how this whole world existed as a coincidence or for scientific reasons. I mean ofc there's the big bang all that stuff but where did it originally come from? yah to me it's not a so religious thing, it's more like keeping it on the safe zone bec I'm scared. I don't wanna go to hell if there's a god lol. and arguments about religion are really dumb and pointless just avoid or ignore them

(sorry i didnt explain my answer properly)
how things started:
-morality: there is someone above us who's watching our every move so become a good citizer---> laws.
-unexplained things: in the past people didnt have a logic explaination about several phenomenons such as: why does it rain? so they said that god is creating the rain and the thunder (god is crying, god is angry).
a person:what is the meaning of life? i get born i grow and then i die. is it all for nothing? what happens next? where does my soul go?(that cant be it. i am my soul. my soul is me. it cant just disappear) is there any difference in being good or bad?
god: if you are a good person u will go to heaven(salvation).
a person: but what if im a bad person? will there be anything left to do?
god: i can forgive you if u start being a good person from now on. u can go to heaven.
a person: "relief".

I believe in a god, but not from any existing religion. '^'
Why ? Because I don't know what came before the big bang so I patched up that void with some kind of explanation.
As for my faith... Well it's not like I think about "god" often. I only pray to my late grandma if I want something really bad.
I don't personnally believe god ever meddle with us.

you'll loose nothing from believing.
scientifically speaking the most probable explanation of our existence and the most beleived theory is Big Bang theory, it states that our universe started as a singularity wich came from nothing, that singularity over time expanded, long story short built the things we are seeing which is our universe.
The question is why is it still a 'theory' simply because theres no scientific explanation on where singularity started or even so they say it was from black holes where does black holes came from, but is the most believed and said to be mostly correct.
same as God, we dont know where he came from or even if he really exist, but maybe some, including I believes in him but still believes in science at some point.

Was baptized as Roman Catholic at 3 months old, took church class for 9 years, made my first holy communion, made my confirmation, been to confession every year of my life and I never really believed in god
I’m not here to say god isn’t real but for some people they find comfort in a higher power, however sometimes other people like me- it just didn’t seem to work out

This is going to sound mean, sorry! But I think if science doesn't make any sense to you, it might have more to do with your limited ability to understand the fairly complex concepts than the science just being nonsensical. Of course we don't have all the answers, but that doesn't mean we don't have any. I think the Bible makes a whole lot less sense, and the people's interpreations even less still.
What if you're backing the wrong horse? What it the Greek Orthodox way is the only Christianity God accepts? What if the Hindu gods are the ones that exist, not the Christian one in the Bible? What if the Norse gods are the real ones, or the Egyptian ones? What if Japanese-style Shinto spirituality is actually the only way to rest peacefully in the afterlife? Are you going to try them all, just because you are scared? If there is a God, why would something so grand be so petty as to care if you believed? What would it matter to a creature like that? If you are going to believe in something, why not believe in all the good things in the world, in beauty and hope and love and serendipity? Why would an angry vengeful God create all that? Nah. If there's a God, it's a chill being.

what manga http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/gouin_sakka_to_makeinu_no_hatsukoi/mf/manga/gouin_sakka_to_makeinu_no_hatsukoi/c005/pg-3/
if anyone finds it thanks in advance

Found it! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

okay so some manga with lgbt aspects but not actually yaoi or yuri anyone know any, like in a innocent sin

http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/welcome_to_room_305/ not the same kind of comic as An Innocent Sin, but whatever.

Um.. please, some sad manga, something bittersweet with angst and a hint of slice of life. Any genre.

for shoujo i highly recommend you this:
and the best of them all in shoujo history imo http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/karekano/ (definitely have to read this!!!)
am i trippin or is mangago deleting stuff from my "already read" list wtf
just wondering if anyone else encountered this.
if not i might just be out of my mind
I think it's happening for me too or I just can't find the shit I've read which I fucking tagged and looked threw all my already read manga
It might be happening to me but i have over 1200+ in my already read i dont even know.
they changed the positions of the buttons , check them
i think