I'm looking for a Yaoi/BL manga seen on TikTok but I forgot the name
I remember that the protagonists are two students, one of them can see people's emotions in the form of ghosts (I think?) (if I remember correctly it was like a black ghost I think).
the other boy seems to hate/be indifferent to the protagonist but the ghost is all in love with the protagonist.
looks cute
Thanks in advance
i'm looking for a yaoi/bl manga seen on tiktok but forgot the name
I remember that the protagonists are two students, one of them can see ghosts (?) (if I remember correctly it was like a black ghost I think) above people.
the other boy seems to hate the protagonist but the ghost is all in love with the protagonist.
looks cute
Thanks in advance
This one has students and ghosts, but I’m not sure about them being in love with the MC:
Does anyone know which chapter of the novel corresponds to the last chapters of the manhwa,Thanks in advance