The novel is really really good you can read it officially on wuxiaworld

Wow, those villains were really annoying to the point where my morning was ruined for the whole day

don't worry, the villains aren't the only annoying one. they're all annoying.
a tourniquet put on wrong, being too stupid to explain how a tourniquet works when accused of it being a magic tool to put a curse
a duke kneeling down (yes i know she's the long lost princess but a duke doesn't kneel)
the villains somehow are able to falsify oracles from god
who is karina, like we don't know who the hell she is at all she's a rando
assuming fl is the real reincarnator and just didn't remember her past life for some reason, why does karina have power if fl is supposedly the last reincarnator, how can you give false power to someone?
why does the duke not directly ask fl to go to the capital as soon as he's awake instead of stalling just to show yet another abuse scene with fl
this webtoon makes no sense from the start, it's utter trash and has no plot
What iswrong with these guy ISTG