because wdym you feel BAD for sangwoo?? HUH?? The serial killer who brutally assaulted and killed so many girls just because his mom was abusive to him? Feeling bad for bum makes sense but sangwoo?? I know a lot of fujos read this manhwa when they were really young buy get your yaoi glasses off for one second and please think seriously

"just because" is quite a crazy thing to say; Sangwoo's actions arent justified or forgiven because of his mom but they make "sense" or/and you can "understand" his actions because of his past; please take note of the quotes
anyways, he got what he deserved in the end, I (hopefully) think a majority of people got that, even if they feel bad for Sangwoo because he obviously did not deserve what his mom did to him

Wasn't his mom in an abusive relationship too? By that logic she deserved better too and that makes her actions "understandable" as well but that's not it. The abused doesn't always becomes the abuser at the end it's up to the person themselves too. Sangwoo could've gotten better if he tries to get help instead he started inflicting violence on innocent women. So i really don't understand where all the sympathy in the comments is coming from. If you feel bad for sangwoo then feel bad for his mom too

I had a feeling you were gonna say that, I didn't want to make the comment too long (I deleted quite a bit lmao..) but yes, I acknowledge the fact that this trains up to the father being an abusive shit and fucking up the Mom's psyche.
I could use the same logic back to you and accuse the mother of not trying hard enough to leave the man or, at the least, not attempt to kill and rape her son in the hopes that he would be a better man than the dad.
The whole scene where he kills the mom is where his mind actually breaks (I think, from what I remember at least..), he could've gotten help (maybe) as a teen but it didn't work out like that.
Your reasoning is as true and as mine is, he could've tried to heal or he could've lived forever angry at his mom (and her look-a-likes)

Wow the misogyny in this manhwa is insane actually. The way every female character is either brutally murdered or portrayed as the devil incarnate and even then the comments and general fans of the series keep feeling sorry for sangwoo... Like I'm sorry but having mommy issues is not an excuse to brutally kill every girl you see.

OMG my whole fucking reply deleted.
I see what you're saying, and I even agree with you a bit. Sangwoo is definitely worse than his mother. But I feel like the reason he turned out so fucked up is partially because of the abuse he got from his mom and even dad.
And again, I feel like Sangwoo killed them like that because of how he views Females personally, which again, is partially because of his mother and the things she did

Yes i agree but it's very questionable how the author displays sangwoo's abuse so explicitly but never gives the same attention to his mother after all she was an abuse victim too. However one thing i i think the author has done very well is shown the difference between male & female victims of abuse sangwoo's mother lashes out on him because he's weak and the only one in her vicinity that she can control while sangwoo becomes hateful of every women.

Yep, I agree with that as well.
I wish the author would've went more in depth with Sangwoo's mother, because I doubt she was depressed and violent like that for no reason. Though they might have not, because I don't think they want anyone pitiying or forgiving her actions become of it. Kinda of how they feel about everyone that forgives most of Sangwoo's actions after learning of his past.

I know everyone who was crying at people saying "use omegaverse logic here not real world" are looking real stupid right now because ofcourse what did you expect?? He is very obviously the male lead and with how serious the author is treating this plot do you really think they would've made a happy go lucky story where he is a rapist and gets a happy ending? The setting and themes of assault might be similar to real life but the author is still operating under the omegaverse universe. i know yaoi's have romanticised it a lot but realistically this is the kind of situation most alpha and omega will find themselves in. Being reduced to their animal instincts with no form of consent. Based on the female lead losing her memories i guess they enter a sort of fugue stage in heat/rut where commen sense ceases to exist.

Because now everyone's a psychologist whining about a bunch of fictional teens navigating love and relationships like i swear it's like any and all criticism is reserved for shoujo romance only. Manga readers are definitely more open minded (and willing to wait for CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT) then anime only watchers.

that doesn't romanticize random heats and "mating". I know this subject matter might be triggering to folks but one thing about josei is that the authors are always willing to write about any and all female experiences even the more tragic ones because these stories are equally and sometimes even more important than your average romcom. Really happy that this is being translated and i'm patiently waiting to see how the author tackles this topic

It's an AU of sorts. the characters in the main story only share physical appearances and names everything else is completely different because of the time period and all that. I think the author wanted to experiment with more toxic characters but instead of making a new manhwa they just used the same characters for an alternate story lol.
The author announced that the modern side stories ( with the babies i asssume) will be uploaded soon
This is from the author of utsukushi kare so yeah we're in for some good angst