Ugly_Rose's feed

As much as I find this cute why does it seem that everything is moving WAY to fucking fast?? Also I would have liked it if they didn't just push MC's trauma to the side now that she has her family. Like she was WAY to quick to accept the dad and grandfathers attention and not be more I don't know more alarm and cautious?? Especially after we saw some of the abuse that she went through!!! Ya I can understand the brothers point of view too like someone comes out of nowhere, claims to be your long lost missing sister, AND SHE HAS THE POWER OF LIGHT?? Like if I didn't know who she was I WOULDN'T even believe it either?!! And while I'm at it the temple is hella fucking suspicious already and we haven't even fucking seen it!! The snow family definitely has the temple around their fucking finger for sure!! Like yikes also what's the fuck is with the prince flirting with mc?? Isn't she like 5??