Am I tripping or were some of these chapters cut short?? Like we didn't even see the dads animal form in chapter 26!! I would have loved to see it as we haven't seen it yet and not only that the rest of the chapter's all seem to be jumping all over!! Like we just barely see her brothers forms and the maids then it cuts to the ml birthday party!! Like hu???

Wow the only characters I like in this have to be MC and the group of people who family's work for him and his family, his maid sucks ass and the only thing that she has going for her is her face and she's not even that fucking pretty!!! The hero is an arrogant prick who fucking believes the world revolves around him!! Like wow...

I dont know if were feeling the same but I also dont like was both of the two maids. The wolf and the knight (?). I get that the MC change their life but its annoying how they selfishly acts their feelings on the MC. There actions doesnt show character development nor devotion of a servant but a delusional girl inlove.
As for the hero’s attitude, thats really how heros are being portrayed on this kinds of plot. Designed to be hated. Lol

Tbh dude I would feel like I would enjoy this more if not every SINGLE chapter and female characters had/giving fan service... Like dude why are you wearing a bikini and a fucking thong when fighting rapists and murders??! Plus isn't mc supposed to be a child?? Why are hella GROWN ass women fighting for him!!! Hell one of them said "I'm his fiance tho" like bitch your a grown ass women (who is dead by the way) why the fuck do you want to marry a child who's not even ten yet!!!

I just remembered that the two girls wearing bikini armors ARE THE BIKINI ARMORS and the girl you see is just a projection of wut they supposed to look like. But I agree that mc is still young or he looks young I dunno this manga is slow to update and the mc is just collecting women at this point and the fan service are kinda pointless rn cause they're dead so it's necrophilia at this point. Kinda reminds me of a vid I saw that the age gaps are so long like 16 to 30 romances YES 16yrs old boy/girl to a 30yrs old man/woman. And sometimes it's 5yrs old which is pedophilia like how did they even fall in love with a literal toddler although some manga have same age or a 3 to 4 age gap which is fine cause it's a childhood friend trope or a young love trope which is acceptable. .......
Sorry just have to vent the age gaps here are a headache. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Dude this is such a breath of fresh air!! Like the characters feel so real to me!!! Not only that, mc isn't just some push over!!! She can handle her self perfectly all the while being kind to others!!!