AAAAAA I can't with this story it was SO GOOD. There were a couple questionable parts and of course it was heart-wrenching but the angst/drama at least made sense in the context of the characters' motivations and it was well written. It wasn't like, Drama for Drama's sake. Ahjuicy worship bandwagon.
Firstly and most importantly I would die and kill to protect Youngjin's smile. (me and Seunghyun both)
That out of the way.
Secondly, it can't be understated how good this is. Just the right amount of drama/angst, a MC who isn't a total pushover, and a ML who is ruthless -but only against the people who deserve it-. His gentle protectiveness over Youngjin and the trust between them is SO refreshing. The art is spectacular, the overall intrigue was well done, the smut is good, even the side characters are memorable, and S3 being literally nothing but fluff just healed my soul.
My only issues with this manhwa are mostly nitpicky. It starts out slow so if you're confused, stick with it. Most questions get answered by the end. I wished there was more solid worldbuilding about some of the scifi aspects of things (nanobots just thrown in there huh, and why can Youngjin's ace in the hole levitate things??), the reveal of what the 'item' was was honestly a bit underwhelming, but I get that a lot of those things are probably just due to the stricture of time and chapter/season length.
Seriously though, a must-read.
Yunjae only gets a temporary, shaky pass from me bc he's a dumb kid. If this goes on into college and he still keeps acting like this...booboo not everybody's gonna like you, and once it gets out that you're a manipulative dick (regardless of your reasoning), you really won't be liked by anyone. I feel bad for Hanjun on multiple levels. Tbh I ship Hanjun and Jinhwan lol, they're cute together. Go get over your impossible crushes with each other.
Weird random kink inclusion .... k. (Not knocking kinks but like, there's plenty of manhwas entirely devoted to stuff like this, just wasn't expecting to suddenly see it here)
but I gotta say "you're the worst" "I know" was hot