I am trying to find a manhwa that has a scene where the protagonist has a ptsd response after seeing a marble bathtub (because it remembers her of a altar) and her father breaks it with his sword
I think I know about the scene that you're talking about, but I can't seem to remember what manga it's from. So, please bare with me.
Could it be this one? If not, then I'll keep searching.
Thank you for the help. I find it after going through some manhwa recommendation lists. This is the one I wanted to read:
Anyone know if there is any manga slice of life interesting as Tanaka-kun wa itsumo kedaruge or with a bit of supernatural like natsume yuujinchou?
These are my back-ups when I'm in Natsume withdrawal:
(This one's less light-hearted.)
(Not really supernatural, but a little historical and has a whimsical, thoughtful, rustic SoL feel like Natsume.)
In the novel, after Rashtas trial, Navier didn’t meet with Soviesh and those things he said, I don’t remember if it was by a letter or a third person told them but, he didn’t personally announce it. He didn’t even have the decency to apologize. Actually, he locked himself in his room, drown in alcohol and cried.
Drowning in alcohol sounds responsible considering how much Soviesh has been crying over Niver, touching the painting of them on a picnic