whats the plot guys help

The MC lived a horrible life where he was unloved and unhappy and died at 25 after playing a dating sims game. He’s then reincarnated into an AU which is a dating sim, where after he makes someone love him to 100 then something happens (although he’s not sure what)
The MC ends up falling in love and is terrified of what will happen after the game ends.
This was a good read! I think it was a very solid 9/10. There are some dubious consent moments, but ultimately okay (in the space of a fantasy genre, ofc.)

This is... LIT GOOD. Cried, laughed, and other any emotions. It was a ROLLERCOASTER. It was perfect, well-balanced, harmonized story.
I really hope they got married and have the happiest days of their lives, they are so precious I cannot. I love this
Chihoon pissed me off so much, glad that he's gone (sure hope so)
i was so confused i thought i missed a chapter or something
Same i was like what i had to check what ch i was on