Hey gang, I don't think yall should talk bad about Hina. I think she's just trying and I'd give her the benefit of the doubt. She isn't doing anything wrong she's just bad at expressing herself. I think Akira would be fine without anyone at this point. Although he has done a lot for others, it's his choice to make.
The misunderstanding was caused because Kaede was kissing Akira even though he didn't reciprocate. I'm sure you can understand why he would be angry but I also think Akira handled his feelings towards Kaede badly.
The janitor is a pedophile so I hink he should be out of the photo.
I also think Fuuko is doing too much as well.
Natsuhi is a lot more nicer than the others I have to admit he is my favorite character so far but I hate to have to see him also disrespect Akira's opinions.
Everybody here is going after Akira but nobody really know how they feel at all or what they want to do. Being motivated and persistant isn't always bad but you can't just disregard someone's feelings.
TN: Just my opinions
What the hell is going on