I was laughing so hard at the receding hairlines but I actually know that it’s historically accurate so even though it’s funny it’s not a bad thing and I really hope to see more of this.
I’m interested in where this is gonna go, though not a big fan yet at least.

Yes, cause it’s weird and nobody should be drawing that or making stories of it being justified You might think I’m overstretching it but if you want to read that other series again be my guest. If you drew a minor having adult stuff with an adult character in your story and show it to somebody next to you I guarantee that you are going to be called a pedo

Consent is beautiful. I think I shed a tear.

I love how he apologized immediately for hid actions even if he didn't know, I feel like most Virgin guys (mostly Straight virgin guys) don't ever apologize for hurting they're partners or just say some bs excuse "Its supposed to be painful the first time!"
(I say this as this happened with my first time)
Horror GL never fails to make my day. And it’s so wholesome too like…