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By ZandynoFansub:A man with a 10-year history of debt x A lone wolf who likes to fight.Just like a c...

  • Author: CTK,Chongtak
  • Genres: Yaoi
created a topic of On Doorstep

I can never get enough of this story

asked a question

I remember when Isekai manga first became popular and then there was the video game ones, rebirth as villainess, rebirth as idol (or insert other profession). I want a new fantasy subgenre to come out and be popular cuz I feel like I’ve read all the good ones and everything else is a copy/repeat.

created a topic of Shoushin

Why’d she have to get surgery to remove the tattoo??

created a topic of Usachan Ookami

I wish I read the comments before so I knew to skip ch.6 cuz wtf

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10 07,2024
answered question about question
asked a question

Is Ennead worth reading? Lots of people telling me it’s sad but the cover art looks so good

answered question about question
When I was a kid someone from yu-gi-oh. It’s been so long I don’t even remember who tho best guess main character idk. Honestly how did I with those hairstyles idk.
answered question about having a lover
Live at the coaching center too. Jk. Maybe bring this up the next time you talk.
answered question about friends getting together
I miss the ones I lost touch with. Too awkward to reconnect even if I can find them again
answered question about your opinions
From what you’ve posted dump him and go to the birthday. Dump him even if you don’t go to the birthday. He’s controlling you over a small thing now, it’ll only get worse. It sounds like you already tried to talk it out but if you want try talking it out one last time but have a firm stance.
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I don't personally feel the need to spend all my time hating on stories I don't like, but people are free to say what they want. If they wanna waste their time hate-reading and filling their day with negativity, that's their problem not mine. I think it's better they spew the hate here rather than on the official sites anyway. Read what you wanna r......
answered question about question
This was a long time ago but vampire knight. When I learned (as a spoiler) who the MC chose I never read/watched it again.
created a topic of Checkpoint

This is so random I’m confused

add manga to list Action (male lead)

[By the studio that brought you and !] Raymond was the illegitimate son of the king. After being sha...

  • Author:
  • Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure / Fantasy
created a topic of Dr. Player

I’m on ch 33 and idk if I’m asking for a spoiler but is there a first prince? They keep saying the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and Raymond doesn’t count so is there a 1st or is it a translation error?