NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Pearl Boy

You sure any of you read Pearl boy????? Dooshik has always gone back and forth with his morality. He was a literal mobster and has always been involved with red flag partners or people in shady business. He’s gone through his own trauma and after falling in love with Jooha and seeing how many times he’s almost lost him to death and extreme rape you guys are mad he’s possessive????? He should have stopped when Jooha passed out yes, but he’s drunk and on a literal high after finally being able to have jooha after holding back for what months on end because jooha lost his memories. If you guys BOTHERED to read between the lines you would see he’s been focused 100% on jooha’s recovery, caring for him, acting like he’s his guardian, buying the restaurant he promised him and even leading him towards having a educational chance to make friends. All things he never had. This he did all while hiding how deeply they were in love and being cut off cold turkey from all forms of affection including sex. He gave his entire being and life sooooo OF COURSE he’s going to go wild while after so long. Again he should have stopped but going as far as to say he’s a red flag now because of that or that he’s “ not Dooshik anymore” is so stupid. Also, jooha calling pilwon’s name while sleeping and Dooshik saying he’s there???? He pushes his own trauma aside to still comfort Jooha.

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

I literally said seongrok needs to request immunity so many chapters ago and it’s happening!!!!! LETS GOOOOO also I really can’t believe this woman thinks seongrok loves her still it’s getting embarrassing and Je-oh is about to put her in place I love HI M


NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Fangs

I had to stop reading like 4 times to just say bitch what the fuck during ichii and en love scenes I was so sHOOK IT WAS BEAUTIFUL AND IM ARGHHHHHH.
Also was Utsugi an actual prince in old days ???? That amazing it’s no wonder Aogiri is so devoted to him through everything ☹

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Fangs

Waited this long for PAIN AND SUFFERING.

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Off Track

Came here after seeing they released an official acrylic stand of the main couple. Instant purchase now LOL

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Pearl Boy

Bro Dooshik is NUMBER ONE seme. Legit have not to date seen someone as horny as him with his love interest I am gonEeeeeeE

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Blue Project

Why is this being recommended as featured. I didn’t need to know this existed

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Wet Sand

This comic is low key pissing me off. Like just pick a guy, either stay in the gang with tj who yeah loves him but purposely got him hurt to keep with him earlier. Or leave the gang and start fresh with Jo. literally every chapter he bounces back forth and on chapter 60 he’s gonna fuck TJ again lmao. At this point I want everyone to go separate ways. EYE ROLLLLLL

I love how much of a freak he is pls

dude why are there 2 uploaders just stopppppp, I keep thinking it’s a new chapter but it’s just a old chapter with terrible translation. Just have one uploader.

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Crush and Burn

This shits getting annoying man, just leave the past in the past. Literally controlling 2 descendants because of your own selfishness

They are so good together I’m shook

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Crush and Burn

I’ve literally skipped like 5 whole chapters, I’m dying for Agia bro. We get it Ver is twisted now and sucks, boohoo next pls

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Limited Run

Author announced teasers of a date scene ARE WE GETTING CLOSURE WITH FLUFF EPISODES PLEASEEEEE. That will automatically make my rating for from a 2 to a 5 bro like my complaint was the rushed ending with no after scenes of them being affectionate. I’m

Ok Jiho did you not fucking learn the first time//// I’m

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Backlight

Taegu Ahjussi is actually so fucking hot though give him to me bro

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Crush and Burn

Bro it’s getting twisted. Cain literally did the right thing because he saw Ver as his son. I bet ver went crazy after seeing he couldn’t have Cain in a sexual way and agio tried to stop the fight out of pure instinct to protect Cain who he literally called his beloved. I bet this caused the main conflict ugh plus if jealousy is involved between Ver and Agio is could not have been pretty. Literally just give Ken back to Agia I am deprivedddddddd

Jiho is sooooo lucky Inwoo has a heart of gold through all his trauma, the fact that he confronted him instantly and didn’t blame him shows just how good of a person he is even when he was almost set up… ;;

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Afterglow

Nah I needed more drama, like MC being saved from a kidnapping by the enemies or something wild. ;;

NekoNekoAkii created a topic of Limited Run

Ending felt so rushed and side stories were unrelated. Most disappointing end to such a good story ugh