If anyone is confused about the plot I wrote my understanding in hopes of helping.
SeongRok and Jeoh work as pimps now because the only way to get any form of power is to become what they hate, to get anything in life they need money and that’s why Jeoh was influenced so much when the original pimp handed him the wad of cash for teaching the new guy how to become a prostitute. Clearly it’s not going well because no one respects jeoh and everyone knows he’s with Seong rok and the old pimp warns jeoh to watch his back because the moment they see an opening they will treat jeoh like how he use to be treated; which is as a prostitute (seen rn as once he let his guard down they’re literally about to r*pe him). Also Jeoh is actually becoming more sensitive to people’s emotions as shown with him feeling guilty for making the new kid basically go through all the trauma Jeoh went through. You can see he’s pulled between two emotions of either being ruthless to get what he wants or being sympathetic and helping someone not have to experience the pain he went through when he had no one to help him. As for the lady (I forgot her name) her goal was to marry the head of the police because he’s her ultimate power source to get away with anything she wants; now that she’s found out seong rok is actually in love with Jeoh she swore him as her enemy and her goal is to kill them both to get rid of all evidence of her involvement with the murders from season one. She also wants them dead because her original goal was to marry the chief of police for power and status; then either get rid of him or have seong rok be her side man so she can have kids and the life she wants with him only. That’s basically the watered down summary I might have missed some things but I hope it made sense