Roux May 1, 2021 7:14 am

I think I'm gonna drop this. There's so much miscommunication, unsafe bdsm acts, and just,, problem after problem. It's not good for my heart lmao

Roux April 28, 2021 10:26 am

Knowing that this is the same author who wrote, "A Guy Like You" makes me terrified because 1. The plot probably gonna be rocky as hell or somewhat hard to understand, 2. The Top is gonna be an asshole probably

(I'm 32 chapters in and this seems to ring true for #2, and learning that the 2nd lead is/was probably a dog may confirm my suspicions for #1. I still slightly enjoyed "A Guy Like You" due to the art/some interesting concept with the dream thing, but it still was confusing/rocky asf to follow the relationship(s)/plot and still "like" the couple that'd probably get together. I kind of just,, the lack of communication so far in both novels is just )

Roux April 26, 2021 6:11 am

This story is so wack. The pink haired mc is the embodiment of firecrackers and pixie sticks, and his main interest (dark hair) is a switcheroo of a man.

Roux April 23, 2021 8:51 am

I understand that you wanna protect someone, keep them safe in your arms, and maybe, selfishly keep them to yourself- BUT it's not healthy. You have to understand that it's really controlling over your partner, and will hurt them more.
I always use the analogy that your lover/friend/whoever, is a bird. You can be the cage, which in theory keeps them "safe" but kills them; or you can be the wind, you can help carry them and watch them be free. This dude is becoming the cage slowly, and it's not pog

Roux April 23, 2021 8:43 am

Uh oh, I fell in love Bitch Eyes
Fr though, love the sibling dynamic <3

Roux April 14, 2021 7:14 am

I WANT A CUTE GIRL OH MY DKDKFKFD also I'm obsessed with the blonde's stares wow~

Roux March 19, 2021 10:17 am

This really is filling a hole in my heart.
It's nice to see them actually work it out, and him become a better person.

I was bestfriends with a guy, and then he bullied me. I went through so many stages of wanting to rekindle, wanting to figure out why, hatred, self loathing, etc. I've let it go through the years. Someone told me what has been happening in his life recently (so 4-5 years after he bullied me). Turns out his life is really screwed up, and stuff. Everyone around me told me, "You must be so happy! Karma!" I'm not. I'm actually sad. Even if he hit me everyday, called me slurs, made me ponder over taking my own life; he's still a person.

This story captures a lot of those same feelings, that the victim in these situations, often are left wondering why, wanting the other to change, etc. Also, showing the bully's side. This story is very nice.

Roux March 19, 2021 8:42 am


Roux March 19, 2021 6:33 am

I know they're supposed to be, "rookies" but it really drives me nuts- This is coming from someone who is also a rookie with little to no experience in the flesh.
I feel like before you do anything, you should have set rules, and a lot of trust built up. Communication is KEY, especially in a type of relationship where not only do you have to understand verbal, be open, honest; you also have to understand physical signs.
If you can't be honest, communicate, believe in each other, and trust each other: it probably won't work out.
I guess it's just driving me nuts because it seems reckless and insensible. Then again, she really hasn't (seemed) to do much research... I feel like you should study plays, etc, before you dive head first into them. Also knowing your limit, what you can and can not do!!! (This refers to how they always get caught, or have a misunderstanding from a play, etc)

Roux February 24, 2021 12:00 pm

The second story was very beautiful to me. I saw myself throughout that story, so I would like to share my thoughts!

Personally, I take photographs for many reasons. I want to show the world through my eyes, but I have another reason I rarely speak of; and that is to capture the moment (much like the man talked about in the story). There's something beautiful yet haunting about capturing the moment. It saves a spot in time that can never be changed. Every photo you look at, you remember when you took it. Each one has a story, a person, a place, or something attached to it. It's daunting because I often find myself wishing I could go back to a certain photo, "relive a memory" you could say. I suppose my shadow is casted in anxiousness at the thought that things could change in the matter of moments. I often find myself missing something before it's even over because of it. This story captures those feelings so well, it really felt as if my heart had been touched.
Oh, and also, the story brushed up on how your "photographer genes" naturally are drawn to things that you want to take photos of: This is very true! I often find myself looking at something and going, "I wish I had my camera." I think I do this most often when I'm around people- especially my friends. They may smile or say something, and my first thought will be, "I want to take a photo of them so I never forget this. I want this to forever be burned in time." I suppose I like things I find beautiful.

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