fies created a topic of Love Remedy

idk if yall know but author got harrased cause she hinted for poly to a fan but LITERALLY THE TAG IS THERE(its just not translated in eng) we are not gonna have future bottom poly like if this sht goes on

fies created a topic of Control Time

its not funny when winter survived that gunshot and raymond went back to save him isnt it

fies created a topic of Nerd Project

loved the fact he did so early because thats what happens. Over excited. Finally being able to be with Luke and do all of this.

fies created a topic of Goodnight, My Knight

the plot, the art, the translator notes too!!

fies created a topic of Scammed and Rammed

puppy jaeyi turn into serious protective mode

her sister was never the bad guy to begin with

what is jaehorse(i hope yall understand the ref) doing hereee let navi meets his master(future bf) pls

fies created a topic of Nerd Project


stacy fumbled so bad broooand im gonna read it again when official comes out FAWK YEAHHHH

fies created a topic of Bound By Desire

whats better than two breasts? two diff breasts collied together mmmmmmmm

fies created a topic of Backlight
fies created a topic of Ballboy Tactics

its the novel synopsis RAHHHHHHH this make me wanna read the novel so bad(not that anyone is stopping me lawl)

fies created a topic of Matte, Ima Kyun to Shita

hope this stays through the end bcos author prev works... sigh

fies created a topic of Kimi no Sumire

and we gonna see they switch TRUST

fies created a topic of Seven-sex eight-sex


fies created a topic of Taming the Master

and wow their parents are really scumbags thats all i gotta say

fies created a topic of I'm Ripe for the Taking

RAW RAW RAW. next question

fies created a topic of Kill My Love

without their good for nothing alpha finding them first ffs

fies created a topic of Driver's High

i can feel the hotness from my screen(and my invisible dick)

fies created a topic of Report My Boss

wym hes jealous, they lives together from now on and then ended with sexc?? what a cinema