okaaaaaay, call me a bitch or anything insulting but I side with the seme now. I hated everything the seme did but dude this uke is above all the stupidest bottom I've read.
Am I traumatized or something, why do I keep thinking that the 2nd ML is a manipulative bastard?! I genuinely wish that our mc atleast have 1 decent ML but somethings just keeps bothering the shit outta me
I was in a good mood reading payback and Im feeling shitty cuz of this. AND I bet the seme is sick that's fucking why he ain't in touch for 5 days dang it. I guess another story that LACKS cOMMuNiCatiOn
now fuck, wait, have they fuck? did they already fuck? fuck I forgot. The plot be so good that I don't mind it having no smut at all... or did they? did they????
he's deranged, make sense lmao, he himself said he has mental illness, throw him in the dungeon!(mental hospital)