Okay so....I f*cked up. I had a comment thread here a couple of days ago titled "Siiiighs" and in it, I said a few things about Cliff and what's to come (because I read the novel a month ago). A few people asked me for some spoilers and what's gonna happen, as far as he's concerned. I had 4 pages worth of what I was gonna say. I didn't spoil EVERYTHING, but I was very detailed. I was proud of what I wrote and was giddy that I was gonna post it to those people

Well....I accidentally deleted what I wrote and lost everything. Not only did I delete that, but I also deleted my comment thread. Siiighs. I'm so sorry!!

So, to the people who asked me about the brother Cliff and what's coming next, I hope yall will see this tonight and remember asking me about it the other day. I'll have to write it all over again, though it may be shorter and wont be as nice as what I had a few minutes ago.

Anyway, I will post it here tomorrow. Again, I'm so sorry! If you can remember, come back sometime tomorrow (December 30, 2023) and look below here this post in this thread. I'll post it low enough so other people who read this won't be spoiled if they don't want to. I'm so pissed at what happened that I could cry. I almost threw my laptop but I stopped myself at the last minute. Siiighs. Goodnight everybody. See yall here tomorrow. Oh! OR...if you can, reply to this comment letting me know you wanna know whats to come with Cliff and everything. That way, I can just reply back and you'll get a proper notification.

***January 4, 2024 UPDATE - SPOILER POSTED BELOW GUYS!!!****


SPOILERS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry about the wait guys! I was called into the office for work at the last minute. We technically work from home, but they wanted us go go in. So needless to say we didn’t have a New Year’s celebration or vacation.

Anyway, here are the MAIN spoilers (I’m not gonna tell yall all of them. There's a few things in the main story and side stories that I'll leave out because even though they move the story along, it's not like they are crucial for you to know...meaning it wont mess up anything if you dont know about them.) that you really need to know about. I apologize now if in the future if yall are still reading the manhwa and some things about be a little different. I read this story a month ago…well, now that it’s January, technically, it’s like two months ago. SO I’m going off the top of my head.

In my original post that I accidentally deleted and I was crying about, I made a comment that Cliff is a fucking asshole and what he’s done isn’t even all that he will do. It’s more about what he DIDNT do and yall will get it by the end of these spoilers.

Without further ado…

In order to tell you what Cliff does, I have to tell you who the culprit is for everything that’s going on. And it’s Livey (Or whatever her name is. The White Lotus bitch). She has been playing this “game” for a very long time and is the one that is in control. The person in the hoodie that we see that’s controlling things is her. She’s been doing these scenarios for forever and every time, Edith dies. She may have different scenarios or situations happen in the SL, but the outcome is the same. She’s the one everyone loves and Edith dies. She starts to become suspicious because she’s wondering WHY this Edith isn’t following the SL. Even if the situation is different, Edith will always been seen as the Villainess in the situation, but for some reason, this Edith is getting herself out of everything. She doesn’t know that Edith is not really Edith. So, Livey starts thinking of new ways to get Edith in trouble. Plus, Killian is starting to warm up to Edith and even the Duchess. She doesn’t like that. That’s why Killian has those headaches because every time he goes against the grain, it affects him.

The climax happens when the Duke, Cliff, and Killian go off for war against Count Rigelhoff (Edith’s dad) and his followers (I think it was the Emperor/King’s brother or relative who wanted the throne). Edith is left with Livey and the Duchess back at the estate. Edith knows something is about to happen so, she goes around and checks the doors and windows and such. She’s still getting harassed by her brother, sending her letters that she better do her part or she’s going to die, etc etc. One night, there is some kind of banquet or something. Like, the Princess’s birthday party or something. I forget (remember its been awhile since I read the novel), there’s more than one event at the Palace so I might get it mixed up but they were at an event at the Palace. Edith is trying to stick with the Duchess. The Duches asked her to stick with her too. But there are people who are on the Rigelhoff side, who are trying to get Edith to come with them and talk with them because if she’s seen with them, then people will say that she’s in cahoots with her father. Edith declines and gets help from a Countess or someone to help her out, and it works.

Even the Princess has warmed up to Edith and anyone who starts to try and bully Edith, she’s on Edith’s side. Something happens and the Princess gets called away and the event ends. Everyone is ordered to go back to their homes and not come out, as what happened was something big. On the way home together, the carriage that Duchess, Livey, and Edith are in gets bombarded by mercenaries. They take the Duchess and Livey and rough them up. Edith tries to fight back. She gets punched and slapped and kicked in the stomach and everything. She finally passes out wanting to save the Duchess, but it doesn’t happen. When she comes to, she’s in a room, tied up. There are men there who are stereotypical Mercs. But because Edith knows what’s about to happen, she tells them they need to get out FAST and its because the Duke, Cliff, and Killian will win and find where they all are and actually…they are on their way. The Mercs will die. The men are all wondering hmmm….do we believe her? And they kind of do, but there’s nothing they can do. They haven’t gotten paid and one of the Mercs is doing this because he’s taking care of his little brother. Edith decides to give her Ruby necklace that Killian bought for her to the Mercs for them to sell and get their money. She doesn’t want to, but she wants to try to at least save these men. Besides, with them gone, she can find some way to get out because with them there, there’s no way she can fight against them. They leave. She gets out and gets her money and some clothes in a bag and she high-tails it out of dodge. The reason why is because she has a feeling that she’s about to get blamed for stuff and she doesn’t want to be around because no one will believe her. This is the end for her.

Duke, Cliff, and Killian of course win the war. Rigelhoff and his followers are caught. They come to the place where Duchess, Livey, and Edith are and rescue the Duchess and Livey. Cliff is in charge of searching the place. He actually just searched where the Duchess and Livey are that was it. He didnt bother searching for Edith. Why? Because he knows that Livey is behind all of this. I forgot to say that he tells Livey that he knows she hates that Killian is looking at Edith and she’s trying to get Edith in trouble so that Killian will not be married anymore. But he asks Livey if she can only just look at him. He will help her do whatever she needs to do, if only she looks at him. And that is because he wants Edith gone and he also can’t stand Killian being happy. See, Killian was always Number 2 to Cliff and that’s what Cliff wants. He’s the reason why Killian has such a complex and he plays into that complex to keep his foot on Killian’s neck. He’s a fucking asshole and weirdo. So, the whole Yacht thing? It was Livey’s idea and Killian went to go and get her earrings and did something to the Yacht so that Edith would get hurt. I haven’t read the new chapter yet, so if this is already shown, I apologize for mentioning it again.


Killian goes to Cliff (this is still the night when the Duchess and Livey are saved) and asks if Edith is found. Cliff tells him no and that she got away, like some of the others because she’s in on it and Killian needs to come to terms with the fact that his Wife was behind all of this and was working with Rigelhoff. Killian doesn’t want to believe it. Behind Cliff’s back, he goes and checks for himself and sees that there’s a portion of the place that hasn’t been searched. He goes in and sees that it looks just like someone had been there and was tied up. He saw something like a piece of red hair or something that he knew was Edith’s on ropes or something. Whatever it was, it led him to know three things: 1) Edith was there and as a hostage like his mom and Livey; 2) Edith is now gone somewhere; and 3) Cliff didn’t actually check because if he had, he would have seen all of this. So Killian takes a few men and goes to find Edith.

Fast forward, Edith was hiding out. The Duke put out a Wanted Ad around the place, trying to find her and that there is an award. Because Killian was already looking for her, he tells the Duke that he will go and find and arrest her.

Edith sees her wanted ad at an Inn she’s staying at and decides to get the hell out of there. Keep in mind, it is FREEZING COLD. She’s not really in clothes that will warm her, but she’s wearing stuff that will let her blend in and she’s wearing like a hood or scarf to cover her face. She gets to the train station to leave, but Killian finds her. She looks horrible in his eyes. She’s not dressed fit for the weather. Her clothes are not those of a Nobel. He sees that in her bag, she has some money, VERY FEW clothes, and one potato to eat. He doesn’t say anything but grabs her. Technically, he arrests her on the orders of the Duke. He makes note that she looks down trodden and just…she just gave up and it hurts his heart because he hates to see her like this and something is not right about this situation. She also looks like she has bruises and was beaten.

Back at the estate, Edith is in the cold, dark jail. Killian wants her to fight and tell him what happened, but Edith doesn’t want to. She just wants to die. She’s over it. She’s done. Killian is getting upset because he knows that something is not right about this situation and tells her that he will try to do everything in his power to help her because she’s his wife but also because he knows there’s more to the story and he knows she’s innocent. She tells him to just go away. She just wants to die in peace. There’s no way she can win against the SL. She was supposed to die.

Cliff is making sure he’s getting inside the Duke’s head about Edith and telling him and the Duchess that Edith is the culprit behind all of this. The kidnapping. The documents that were sent to Rigelhoff. The poisoning of Livey. Everything. Actually, Cliff has been doing it since he told Livey that he would help her get rid of Edith. The Duke believes Cliff and now that they have Rigelhoff and his followers, the Duke tells them to get everyone ready for the execution. Edith included. Killian is not happy and is pissed and wants the Duke to just listen to reason and talk with Edith and let her tell her side of the story. Cliff tells Killian to just deal with the fact that Edith is evil and is about to die and stop being seduced by her. She’s known as a snake and seduces men for her father. That’s all she does.

Meanwhile, Livey goes by herself to the dungeon and the jail where Edith is. She basically fesses up to who she is and what she’s done. She tells Edith that she’s been doing this for a long time and never has “Edith” gone off course. This SL version was fun to play and even though she (Edith) tried to get out of everything, she still has to die at the end because that’s how things are. She’s (Livey) is in control and always has been. Edith does say a few things to her btw, but there’s nothing she can do. Livey has won. Next, Livey takes out a dagger and cuts herself on the arm and throws it into the jail cell with Edith and starts to scream really loud. Cliff was the first to make it, with Killian, the Duke, and a few guards behind. Cliff sees Livey bleeding and demands to know what happened. Livey tells them that she was just down there trying to reason with Edith and find out why she did all those things even though she wanted to be close to her and they took her in and treated her like family, despite her being Rigelhoff’s daughter. Then all of a sudden, Edith grabbed her and attacked her and tried to kill her with the dagger. Cliff is pissed and order’s one of the men to get Edith out and wants to take her to get executed STAT.

Killian steps forward and says HOLD UP asshole. He walks inside the cell, takes his glove off, and grabs the knife. He looks at it and then at Cliff. He asks Cliff to hold it and asks him if the handle is warm. Cliff takes the dagger and agrees that the handle is hot. The Duke feels it too. Killian asks, well, if the handle is hot then how is Edith the one who did it? Livey is upset and so is Cliff who is like You calling Livey a liar?? Look at her arm! Killian calmly states that if Edith was the one who really tried to harm Livey then the handle on the dagger should be cold because down there in the dungeon, it’s very, very cold and Edith isn’t even wearing a heavy coat. If she had the dagger with her this whole time, the handle wouldn’t be warm. Cliff is like so what does that mean. Killian puts it all together and says that Livey (who he has suspected for a long time now) is the culprit. And possibly the culprit behind all of this. Because the dagger is warm enough to be held by someone who had it in their jacket with hand warmers….which Livey has. Livey gets upset and tries to deny it. Killian is like well if Livey didn’t do it, then a guard hurt Livey then. But you said Edith did it. So, was it Edith or a guard? The guards are frantic and say they had NOTHING to do with any of this.

To make a long story short, Killian demands that Livey comes clean about everything. Livey confesses angrily that she’s the one who did all of this and pinned it on Edith and yes, she was the one who cut herself too and Cliff has been in on this the whole time. Killian lets the Duke know that Edith hasn’t been working with Rigelhoff. She’s been innocent this whole time. And Killian also gives Cliff a what-for too, stating that even with the kidnapping, he didn't even check the whole place and he did it on purpose because had he actually done his job, then he would have seen that Edith had been there as a hostage and was beaten too. Somewhere either here or in another scene after this, Linan steps forward too and says that he was there that night during the kidnapping. He was in another carriage after Edith, livey, and the Duchess and he saw what happened. Edith was actually trying to fight back and she looked really upset. She couldn't have had anything to do with this. He didn't need evidence to tell him that she wasn't behind the kidnapping at all and she was also a victim (Duh, because we know that Livey is behind this).

Edith is freed. She is taken up to the execution site and is standing by Killian who gives her his cloak and warms her up. Count Rigelhoff, Edith’s brother, etc. are all excited that Edith is about to get executed too but Killian tells them that she isn’t because they all now know that she’s not working with them. Rigelhoff, the brother, and Sophia (the maid that abused Edith) were pissed and started spewing really nasty things saying they hated Edith and wished she was dead and wished she was getting killed with them and that she was worthless, etc. etc. They all got executed.

In the end, Killian and Edith are getting ready to pack and stuff and leave for Killian’s new territory. Here’s the part that’s about to make yall pissed if yall arent’ already….Cliff and Livey…DONT GET PUNISHED!!!!


NOTHING happens!! The Duke wants to push all of this under the rug, not wanting to upset the Duchess because she’s become weak and withered after the kidnapping. SOOOOO Edith does NOT get justice. Yes, she doesn’t lose her head by Killian. Killian loves her and they are about to leave the estate for good, BUT she does not get her justice!!!!!! NOTHING HAPPENS TO LIVEY AND CLIFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BUT, the Duke and Duchess are all apologetic and want her to forgive them. Edith says she does, but she wants to get the hell out of that fucking house as soon as possible and Killian is working on it ASAP to get his wife OUT of there and away from these fucking psychos.

Now, remember Livey’s father, brother, and sister? I can't remember if we've already seen them from the chapters that are already out in the Manhwa, but if we haven't, then yall will see them. Well, the blonde chick that we saw in the chapter before this new one at the end. That’s Livey’s older sister who wants Cliff. If yall have already found this out in the newest chapter that I haven’t seen yet, I apologize for repeating something yall already know again. But yeah, she hasn’t heard about Edith living. She just knows that Rigelhoff and his followers were executed. Her and her Father are there trying to make a business deal with the Duke, but the Duke doesn’t go with the deal because now that Rigelhoff is dead, he doesn’t need them anymore. Really, the only reason they were joining forces was because they were trying to get out from under Rigelhoff, but he’s dead so there’s no need for them to collaborate anymore. So, Livey’s dad is disappointed but he feels like he has one more ace up his sleeve and that is getting his other daughter (Livey’s big sister. The blonde bitch) married to Killian. He pushes her forward and she’s flirting with Killian and the dad offers a deal with the Duke about marrying the two. Killian speaks up and tells him he already has a wife. The Sister is dumbfounded because Edith is dead. Right then, Edith comes down and they see that she’s not dead. Sister Bitch IS FUUUUUMING! LMAOOOO. She HATES IT! But she cant do anything about it. Killian is like NAH. Im good. Not marrying you. I have steak (Edith), why the hell would I want a burger (Sister Bitch)? So, Livey’s Dad and Sister Bitch leave defeated and pissed TFO.

Killian and Edith finally leave. They say their goodbyes. Of course, Livey and Cliff are pissed, but it doesn’t matter. Killian is like IM OUTTA HERE YOU FUCKERS and takes his wife and gets the hell outta there.


Side Stories!!!!!

So, I wont go through the WHOLE side story SL. Just like I did with the main story, I’ll just give the main spoilers. Killian and Edith are at their territory. When they first got there, the staff didn’t like Edith but they warmed up to them when she starts taking over the house and is doing some really nice and wonderful things. They see that she’s not like the rumors. So, everyone loves her. Her and Killian start to build up the territory. There’s a few things that need to be done to the land and in the next ten or so years (maybe more or maybe less), the territory will really thrive.

Edith still keeps up with Linan (Is that his name??? The long haired cutie that is the Duke’s secretary or Administrator or whatever). He tells her that things have GONE TO SHIT since she and Killian left. His work has gotten harder because Edith is gone and Livey wants NOTHING to do with it. All she does is go out and socialize and flirts with men and spends money. She starts acting like a spoiled brat and the Duke, Duchess, and even Cliff sees her for who she really is. Even the other people in society like the Princess and others. They all see that Livey isn’t who they thought she was. And she is driving Cliff CRAZY. She’s not his little White Lotus Doll. She’s even mean to him. He’s unhappy. She’s unhappy. (OH! And I forgot to mention. Because she was changing things too much in the SL, she lost ALL her privileges and cant change the story anymore. She doesn’t have power anymore so that means she cant start the story over anymore. She has to live out the rest of her life and LIvey.) The Duke and Duchess try to reason with her, but she’s not listening and they keep saying every day that they wish Killian and Edith were there and how they wished they didn’t treat Edith the way they had and she’s such a good person and Killian is such a good son and he’s thriving now. Linan says he can’t take much more of this. In one of the letters, he lets her know that he’s coming and on his way and that he will no longer work for the Duke anymore.

So, he comes to the territory and shows up. He now works for Killian!!! He vows to serve Killian and Edith and will make their territory even better than the Duke, despite the territory being small. But he has some ideas and along with Edith and Killian’s ideas, they will do a lot of expanding and the territory will become bigger just like Killian and Edith wanted.

There’s some more little situations of Killian getting jealous of Edith talking to one of the male workers. The young man has a family though and he’s not flirting with Edith. He’s just really grateful for her and she did something for him. I forget what it was but I think his kid was sick and Edith did something to help his family. So, he’s just being a grateful worker/servant but Killian is still jealous. There was even one point where when they were making love, he was giving it to her harder than normal because he felt like if he could do that, then she wouldn’t need to look at another man. The scene wasn’t raunchy, but my mind is imaginative and well….my mind made the scene raunchy LMAOOO.

Anyway, in the end, Edith gets pregnant. And Linan is dating the personal maid of Edith! And they don’t tell anyone, but Edith finds out secretly from seeing a cute moment between them and them talking about when they were going to tell Edith and Killian. They agreed they will after news of the baby and everything settles down.


So, yeah. Good story! But CLIFF AND LIVEY DO NOT GET PUNISHED!!! I do remember commenting a few chapters ago that they dont get their comeuppances but they get karma. And their karma is they dont live the happy go lucky life like they thought they were going to live. They hate each other and are still living in the Duke and Duchess’ mansion and Livey is being a bitch and a pain and is spending more money than Cliff can make. So…that’s the Karma. PLUS, Killian is not around so that Cliff can play into his complex and put him down. He’s basically second to Killian now, in a way, because Killian’s territory is going well and so is his marriage and the Duke and Duchess are not happy and are constantly talking about wishing and wanting Killian and Edith back at home and how everything would be better if they were around. So, I guess these two getting slight karma is okay. It’s all we’re gonna get people. Livey doesn’t get punished by the Duke and Duchess. Neither Cliff. They all just slipped everything under the rug–which is disrespectful to Edith and what she went through in that house–and act like everything is okay. But honestly? The Duke and Duchess are receiving their karma too for not punishing Livey and Cliff. So, all in all….the winners are Killian and Edith (and now Linan is even with them and in a relationship).

Side note....so I wrote a lot, but would you believe that what I originally wrote a couple of days ago was longer??? I had it a little more laid out but this time, I was just trying to get this out to you guys. I didn't even re-read it to see if I made a mistake in this. If there is something like a mistake or something confusing that you caught and you want clarification on, let me know. If I can answer it or clarify it, I will! Again, sorry I was so late!!

HaebomProtector followed a goer

Hello!! Welcome fellow viewer of my profile 

My favorite character of all time will always be Jiwon (bj alex)
 I read all types of stories (mainly BL/ Straight manhwas/manhuas)
Toxic storylines are always my favorite categories. Soft wholesome is also what i love reading 
Sexy manhwa/manhua men are my cup of tea 
My man doesn't mind I read manhwa but im obsessed with him too 
If you're asking or wondering how a real dick feels.. it feels 10000 times better in real life 
I know I'm slacking reading stuff or being on time and hella late nowadays but hey.. ya girl got a whole man to deal with so I usually don't have much time anymore but I still try 

28 11,2023