Guys if you are uncomfortable with incest then don't fucking read it. It isn't that hard to ignore this manhwa. Like there are thousands of other things you can read instead of shitting on this one. Every time I open the comments for this one, 90% of the comments is filled with close jarred whiners. For fucks sake please shut up. If you are fine reading Jinx, Killing stalking or even How to get my husband on my side, then why the fuck do you have an issue with this? Bloody hell get over it dude. This is a manhwa ADAPTION. Manhwas often alter the plots and it might be the same case for this one. And if you have at least 1 functional eye, then read the fucking tags yall. It doesn't have smut or adult. Chances are like that the story will be slightly different. Even then you have no rights to out right shit on the story here. Yes it's fine to drop a review and yada yada yada but you guys are ruining others' reading experience because there are people who actually like this story. Now I personally do not give a fuck about incest in a FICTIONAL piece especially when the plot is set in a certain way. However, I respect your opinions if you don't feel comfortable but that does not give you the rights to just bandwagon and write hateful shit in the comments every day. Kanna is a well written female lead and she outperforms 90% of your mary sue damsel in distress doormat fls who can't do shit. Please leave this manhwa alone and if you want to spread hate, hop on R&ddit bro it isn't that fucking hard. If you hate My body has been possessed by someone, simply write a post on reddit instead of writing it under the manhwa's page.

The conversation on incest has been overdone. "Incest" is clearly a tag of this manhwa like if you are reading this, you should be expecting it to come
It's not a "oh no why is fl a damsel in distress I wasn't expecting this" because everyone knows this Manhwa for the inclusion of incest
Most Manhwa don't even have incest so why would you even read the one specific Manhwa that does if you're so disgusted by it

Please don’t mislead people by saying there is incest in this story. Her brother thought she was someone else ( she changed her hair style and dressed differently) so he was chatting with her but she entertained for a little bit before breaking out of character. That was the end of the whole ridiculous incest idea, her brother is back to hating her. This story is full of anguish and nothing more!

???? In the novel she sleeps with her brothers and her dad. My point is that the manhwa might go for a different direction since it doesn't have smut or adult tags. Even if it did go with the novel's plot, just don't read it. Stop flocking in the comments to shit on it lol. And the incest chapters aren't even out yet? Don't count your chickens before they hatch lol

That’s why I responded again after reading the novel spoilers and was disgusted. I decided to read the novel and finished it. Spoilers apparently she is not blood related to the family at all but it’s still incest since she grew up with them. The brothers still called her “sister even after being intimate, I was disgusted more by it. I’m dropping this Manhwa

Well now you know what you want so like no point in spamming hate in the comments right? Many people are straight up hating on this story and whenever someone comments an actual nice comment, you can’t find them. The incest tag is CLEARLY there for you to see and you can simply avoid this story. So let us readers enjoy what we want in peace!

Dear AkumaKira,
I am veryyyy grateful to you for posting such high quality translations. I want to specifically thank you for this manhwa because it is one of my all time favourites. Reading your well done translations with pleasing panels really makes me happy. You work on a lot of other manhwas as well and thank you for them as well. Keep up the great work and take care of yourself :D

Thank you!!! And of course, I'll always be there to keep everyone at ease whenever they're reading! I'm glad my uploading is bringing comfort to everybody, and I would like to mention that I'm not that great of a person since I only take other scans' works and post it here, minus the official chapters. ( ≧Д≦)
Oh, by the way, sorry for not seeing this sooner! Once again, thank you so much for spending your time into writing this for me. It really means more than anything to see my efforts were worth it~!

Oh my god you responded :0!!!!
Btw don't say that! You take time out of your personal life to upload high quality chapters of multiple manhwas on an illegal website where you gain nothing. Cropping, organizing and ordering the chapters properly takes a lot of time and effort as well. Even if you take other scans' works, you credit them nicely. I haven't seen any chapters uploaded by you without the scans' name or watermark yet. Because of you, I found a lot of scanlation teams who do a nice job. You are basically promoting them in a way.
Also do not apologise for your late response!! The fact you saw my message is enough to me (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ . I just want to let you know that I will always support you. I also responded late, sorry :P.

If you ever feel useless, just look at Axion. This guy did NOT do shit. He is so boring like it's crazy. How can a character be THIS bland. Bro has 0 chemistry with the FL and only ever pitied her in the past. Suddenly brodie just feel a serene connection with her? Imo the romance is kind of similar to Broken Ring: This marriage is bound to fail. However big difference is that Carcel has more of a personality than Axion. In every life he loved Ines but Ines finally noticed it after all her past lives. Axion is just bland and dry. If the cold duke of the North had better connections, thats Axion.

I see many people hating John after post Joker arc. I can't hate him at ALL. All of the things he did have a reasonable backing up. The royals are the shittiest cunts.. NON of them apologised to John for the things they did to John. Sure they opened a safe house but they never even considered John's sufferings. Remi is so fucking naive and hypocritical. John apologised to her for shitting on her dead brother but she did not once say sorry to John for the things her friends did to him. The least she could do was to tell off her friends but even that she didn't do once. And Remi is the type to ALWAYS tell off her friends if they did something wrong. This shows how much of a hypocrite she alone is. Isen not only beat the shit out of John, he also dug up his past scars. Isen only avoided doing anything to John cause he knew how strong John was. I don't even wanna talk about Blyke lol. He is an asshole. Asslo tho, don't even wanna get started with his bitchass. He is the biggest brainrot in this webtoon. Bro just randomly ganged up on a person because they aren't acting the way they should be according to "hierarchy". THIS BRAINROT DICKHEAD JUST DECIDES TO PUSH HIS BORDERLINE OCD ANTIQUES ON AN INNOCENT PERSON .
Before anyone starts reasoning with "John went too far", JOHN HAD EVERY REASON TO AND HE IS A MENTAL PATIENT.
1. John was a born cripple and went through all sorts of harassment for being a cripple until the tables finally turned.
2. John was basically against the whole school by himself and shit on every royal. He did let the fame get to his head but he is a fucking teenager dawg.
3. After everything he did wrong, he was sent to "readjustment" classes where they did not do no readjustment. They mentally TORTURED John and kept repeating the traumas he went through inside his STRAIGHT UP FOR MONTHS. They didn't make him realise what he did wrong but instead made him feel shit about himself.
4. He grew up with a crippled father who went through similar shit for being a cripple and his mum was missing from his family. His father was his only family left.
Non of the royals went through anything like this and still turned out as shitty people. They could at least apologise? John owned up to his wrongdoings and said sorry but why is it so hard for them to swallow their pride for once and do the same?

He's still childish tbh like I get that he went through alot but he is sooo immature who can't act right, I say me who's younger than him, between 2 of us, I'm more mature, I swear like I rlly like the way the webtoons going now but like can't he comprehend emotions atleast? This mf doesn't still get ehat empathy is. Prove me wrong, (me on recent dhapter)
The way he solves this "problems" are in the most shittiest and stupidest way possible, doesn't think about it, hurts all people like he did. And regret it. I was sooo mad bc why does he think and make assumptions that the ppl in HIS OLD school are the same as his new one? Well, I do get him abt the royals but dang
He's so fucking immature for an teenager.
He has little character development and that is emphasizing on what he did and stopped, and John was NEVER born as a cripple, the society on which he was in treated him like one, he was born with absolutely overwhelming ability that bloomed late, And he himself as a child abused it, regretted abt it and do it again, like... what the flip... so flipping childish. Hoping for more character improvement, he's so badly written it hurts. Not that I hate him though, being immature won't give u a pass just bc u went through alot, act right. Ur the son of the coolest duuuuuuude who wrote unordinary, ur father knows what equality is in a world where they accept abuse of power and how they see the world is eugh, only strongest will be treated right, always aim for being the strongest. Etc that just promotes fighting, this hierarchy u talked bull is the important one in this story, its the one John and others always wanted to get rid of. U can't call it bullshit when that hierarchy is accepted by society, everybody deals w it, and it's a bad thing... well isn't that how the story going on mostly? Corruption and experimenting on dead people and a fucked up society? Let the story go on, bad or good ending, a sad, happy or a boring one.

You have to take in to consideration that their world building is different than ours. You have your family and you grew up around people who aren't retarded like John's. If those readjustment classes didn't fuck him up, he would be better emotionally. I don't think anyone went through all your most painful memories and played it on repeat inside your head for a month in the most realistic way possible lol. Also sorry if I sound rude but you're not different or cool for being a calmed teen compared to others. Each person is different and they make silly decisions. Hormones are a huge factor as well. You can't expect someone to mature overnight lmao wth? Your reasoning and yapping explains a lot about your adolescence mindset. You are a teenager just like John bro. Anyways most people in UnO world don't seem to give a shit about the pain John gave them emotionally other than the people who REALLY care about him which is only Sera and William. Just don't fucking defend those royals and we're good gang. Catch ya later homie

I am not defending them royals... I don't take both sides, i hate and dislike both, and those royals and john are extremely so eugh.. and badly written, it hurts lil bro I am not cool for having different type of personality or whatever u said but, either way I am def not a teenager like him, John gets his emotion go ahead of him, he's extremely seeelf centered throughout his life, selfish, immature, and lack of empathy, I haven't remembered much of the plot since I don't read much, but I could def remember that through John's joker arc, to royals bullying bullshit, if I had to choose between which 1 was the worse, I'll kill myself. Imo, defending both or either of them is STUPID, character improvement is slow but, the shit they do is not smth I would defend, John fuckign beating up all ppl on his class/almost killed them, royals ordering ppl to bully John over and over, make him feel trash, and betrayed them, when u go over these, both are just horrible. Well the writer set the hierarchy and society to this being normalized anyway, I'll just be waiting for character development on all of them... but u can have ur own opinion and stuff, sorry. Just wanted share mine in this topic.

Oh and, those readjustment classes, those are really bad and affects your mental health and how you perceive stuff, however even if I don't understand his character completely, it's entirely not his fault that the world there was set that abusing ur power and shit stuff like that was normal and considered a good thing, society in uno highly praise those who are powerful and those who are weak are treated trash, as a child even myself would try to fit in, we all have diff ways to perceive society and diff choices on ehat we would do and behave, John experienced being strong and weak but was always and always treated like bad, physically bad and mentally bad. Someone like me wouldn't understand anyway, he always respond emotionally/physically aggressive either way.
But honestly atleast he knows to apologize, maybe he got it from his cool coooooool cooooooool cooooool aweeesomeee dad and his cooooooll cooooooool wise pro mom

Lol dw I won't cuss you out. I get what you're saying Uruchan is a shit writer like the art is mid as fuck anyways Idk why she can't take writing classes. But one thing I don't get about your replies is that you emphasize on John's immaturity when all of them immature. Do you think ganging up someone innocent cause they are triggering your borderline OCD is mature? No it isn't lol. Arlo is far more immature than John. John's emotions are bound to affect him because he forgot how to handle them because of readjustment classes. Whilst Arlo is a stuck up little bitch who is not willing to open mindedly accept the fact that his cute little bubble of the authorities being legit is actually fake as fuck. He can't handle the fact that he has to face all the responsibilities of a king. He can't bear the expectations all by himself which is why he was so damn forceful to make John follow the hierarchy. If you ask me, that's pretty immature for someone who isn't without a mom or dad and went through mental torture. Also you're giving John's parents way too much credit. William was a part of John's life so he had a big contribution to John whilst his mum left when he was 3. John either had to handle things himself, or get help from William.

Okay so I have been reading Unordinary since 2018 but I read in gaps because URUchan is extremely inconsistent about uploading new chapters. I always had a theory that even if John were to face an ability disabler, he would be able to overcome it's affects. Because if you think about it, John's ability is not like your usual ability holder. His ability comes from others because he manipulates his aura channels to use different abilities. It's not something that is like ongoing (sorry idk how to explain this) like Seraphina or Arlo. He can only activate his ability when he sees another ability in use. In order to do that he must have saved up his own aura which they quite literally confirm in the last few chapters. And the amplifier isn't showing any visible affects is prolly due to John's DNA aligning with his mum's. Imo John might have a sudden breakthrough and become even stronger than before because no shit it's an amplifier. Cameron the uncle guy might train John as well and they might go on a hunt against the Authorities.
Guys please don't mind my theories because I newly signed up to mangago. Usually I just read and theorize things! I felt a little bit encouraged to comment for Unordinary.
Dear author,
I hope you understand how much I edge to this manhwa every day. I have gooned with the characters as if they’re my little sigma huzz. I edge and edge and edge. Not a single day goes without me edging. Andy Park you’re on my goddamn celling. My hawks have been tuahing way to skibidily for you. Nerd Project, PLEASE UPDATE