bishiemuah June 11, 2019 1:32 pm

DAyum boy is hAwT... oof I'm so excited for the next chapters (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

bishiemuah June 11, 2019 11:37 am

i mean im not compl-.... you know what I'm just gonna say it. THAT WAS SO RUSHED i expected more development plot and character growth how disappointing

    Ren June 12, 2019 1:00 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Mangafan1212

    For real! I wanna see children!!!

bishiemuah May 12, 2019 2:10 pm

to all you people making the guy seem evil and that he didn't love her. Look at his face while the girl was talking about when they were in love saying how it was all "fake" he looked so freaking say that it had to be that way but look at the him in her memories he looked genuinely happy receiving the handkerchief . As to how he "execute her" did you seriously look at the girls's state of mind, she literally had lost all hope and was accpeting her fate of death. There was already literally no way to help recover after that, what's more the townfolks hate her family. He was seriously giving her a choice too to live in the mansion. so to all of you saying the guy is bad and how she shouldn't fall in love with him again fuck you. That guy can't even compare to the guy in the one with the empress (he was batshit disgustinh).

thanks for coming to my ted talk. peace out.

    bishiemuah May 12, 2019 2:11 pm

    shit. i meant live in the mountain **

    Sachiko May 21, 2019 11:40 am

    He didn't look 'sad' to me. Odd. He looked apathetic at most.

    Even if he WAS sad, that's entirely a situation of his OWN making. What, did he expect (and this certainly DOES make it look like he expected that:) that she would be joyful at hearing he was a spy AND that she would not expect their relationship to be fake and all lies? If the opposite of what she felt were true in either case I would think she's truly ignorant. Besides he couldn't spare her even a glance when he was acting all happy in front of her with the other victors celebrating his success at receiving people

    And he was going to send her to a MONASTERY not the mansion.

    Please read more carefully.

    Sachiko May 21, 2019 11:44 am
    He didn't look 'sad' to me. Odd. He looked apathetic at most. Even if he WAS sad, that's entirely a situation of his OWN making. What, did he expect (and this certainly DOES make it look like he expected that:)... Sachiko

    *deceiving people (autocorrect is a fpos)....

    Syra Blue May 21, 2019 12:21 pm
    He didn't look 'sad' to me. Odd. He looked apathetic at most. Even if he WAS sad, that's entirely a situation of his OWN making. What, did he expect (and this certainly DOES make it look like he expected that:)... Sachiko

    I agree with you.
    And also to the original comment, even if she did accept her death or whatever, it's still not right to let her die when she didn't deserve. It's kinda like if someone wants to die, would you let them die? Not really. Especially if you loved them. He basically allowed her to commit suicide in a way. And he had enough power with the townspeople that he could've explained to the people, or lessened their anger, or some other option that didn't have to lead to her death.

    PERSON May 21, 2019 1:02 pm
    I agree with you.And also to the original comment, even if she did accept her death or whatever, it's still not right to let her die when she didn't deserve. It's kinda like if someone wants to die, would you l... Syra Blue


    Leta Cent May 21, 2019 7:41 pm

    Y'all that was the face of someone who knew he fucked up. He knew what he was doing when he he lead her on. He planned to use the "wicked" girl inorder to free everyone and if she was as eveil as he first though then he wouldn't have cared if she died. Sadly he soon realized she was good so he felt like crap when she pointed everything he did back to his face. He did use her at first for info, he did date her with no live at first to use her, he did lie to her every single day. Everything she said was true, and he knows. He fell in love with her when he found out she was the only inoccent one their and instead of trying to save her and protect from the moment on he kept lieing. The relationship started out fake and now that he regret that he tries to save her. He is only doing so cause he regarts treating her that way so yes her tired to save her but only after she was broken and beyond fixing. He should have taken her away from that house protected her form what his duty was. He should have broken up with her and tried to start again ( not saying he should have confessed to it all being fake( but he should have tried to fix what he had broken. She should have reassured her that he would always be with her no matter what happens. But he waited untill it was all too late. When she had no trust in him. Yes he isn't an ass cause he did it all for the people but he didn't think his love throuvh and actually cherish her.

    Syra Blue May 21, 2019 9:12 pm
    Y'all that was the face of someone who knew he fucked up. He knew what he was doing when he he lead her on. He planned to use the "wicked" girl inorder to free everyone and if she was as eveil as he first thoug... Leta Cent

    Well, you could argue that, but I think that he either didn't realize that he loved her until she was gone, or he didn't actually love her. Because if you love someone, there's no way you'd let them die. Especially if they were innocent. He had the option to save her and live with her, but he didn't. So, I think that he doesn't really love her.

bishiemuah April 11, 2018 6:45 pm

its adorableeee and all but like bruh your her sister shouldn't you be more worried about her like the guy is gonna f her ya know? get ur priorities straight man

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