Moon12 created a topic of After Killing You

Called it! I knew it was them stuck in a loop.

Moon12 created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

I think the problem for me is that the MC seems to have had a personality change in my opinion. I understand that he most likely has ptsd and is getting triggered in his new environment which I feel like he didn’t anticipate to happen. But even with that in mind I feel like his personality changed in general, and idk if I like it or not tbh. I’m gonna let this marinate a lil and see if when k come back it makes more sense to me.

Moon12 created a topic of Define The Relationship

Nah cause not me thinking this whole thing with the houses WAS the side story lmaoooo

Moon12 created a topic of Under the Green Light

I feel like this was such character development for Jin. Like him not just being strong headed about sex and honoring Mathew’s feelings was new. And him saying that they are boyfriends and opening up means he is at least trying to heal from how closed up he has been (out of necessity of course). Which at the same time will be what is going to be so detrimental to our cute couple and cause the angst, I just know it.

Moon12 created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

Is the heavy perfume implying that Aeroc stayed an Omega in this timeline?

Moon12 created a topic of After Killing You

I wonder if the characters are stuck in a loop and their going to continue to do this until one of them decides to change.

Moon12 created a topic of Under the Green Light

Stories where the bottoms are into or only have experienced hardcore sex but blush at like… mundane loving sex are my fav

Moon12 created a topic of Gig of the Day

Nahhhh cause this one hits too close to home. I am rooting for our MC cause until he heals that part of him that has abandonment issues, it’s gonna be a ride, for sure.

Moon12 created a topic of Shutline

I’m hoping Jake folds and tells Shin that he’s cia (or fbi? I can’t remember lmao) since he pretty much already guessed. Cause if he doesn’t fold we’re in for an angsty season 4

Moon12 created a topic of Define The Relationship

I absolutely love these two! You know what I’d like to see though? A bottom who can handle a rough rut and some more! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a manwha whew that happens or it’s the other way around and the top can’t handle the heat. I feel like that’d be really refreshing.

Moon12 created a topic of Waterside Night

This is my first time seeing a feet scene in a manwha tbh lmao!

Moon12 created a topic of Gig of the Day
Moon12 created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

I was hoping for a 3P from these two… but man I wish the author would have gone about it a lot differently. If they are already in a AU, might as well make it a more, pleasant threesome you know?

Moon12 created a topic of Jinx

Does anyone know of another Manwha with a similar concept? I loved that whole mma fighter trope. Is there any more sports BLs out there?! Help I’m desperate

I could go for a good jealousy arc (from either side tbh) I feel like it would be very wholesome

Moon12 created a topic of Codename Anastasia

No one else thought that threesome scene was hot?? No? Just me?

ML was alluding to the fact that our MC is tempting even to straight guys, ie the worker that frisked him. And the ML himself being aroused by him. Idk I just thought that scene was super hot. Poor lady for getting stuck in the middle, literally, lmao but that tension was gooddddddd

Moon12 created a topic of Gig of the Day

Our MC is so delusional, I love it. I can already see where this story is going. MC fell first but ML will fall harder after he breaks MCs heart. Considering MLs main conflict in his life is how many scandals he’s involved in with women… he’s going to think he’s using MC because he is so easy going but ultimately will fall for him.

Moon12 created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I would have liked if this was more of a trupple situation rather than a love triangle.

I do like that apparently nothing breaks MCs spirit lmao but man is this a fucked up story, curious how it’ll process with this being a love triangle tho.

Moon12 created a topic of Roses and Champagne

I know I’m in the minority and don’t get me wrong this would NEVER fly in real life… but I do like that Caesar is crazy, lmao. Their love was always toxic. This translation is kind of shitty but did Leewon really break up with him or was it just him saying stuff to say stuff cause they were fighting?

Moon12 created a topic of Define The Relationship

Every single chapter I keep getting EDGED BRO!! I’m so ready for this rut scene.