Fuck oh my fucking god can I go there and beat that red red up oh my god

Poppingcandy2 created a topic of The Mating of Elves

he forgot he dressed up as a slut ouh shit their freaky missions are going to get exposed

I usually like dom fls but this oooouh makes me wanna find a guy like him so nad

Poppingcandy2 followed a list

Some of the masterpieces that are just *chef kiss* to me
These are mostly gonna appeal to women probs (and freaks)

6 days

Read this plot like 500million times but I’m still gonna read……….ugh but like I don’t like it when theyre players it turns me off ;-;

Poppingcandy2 created a topic of The Mating of Elves

Where the pegging @?

Confused at the over exaggeration of how badly she’s treating Rodger….she didn’t even do anything wut ;—;

Poppingcandy2 created a topic of The Mating of Elves

Omg next mission should be pegging him

Poppingcandy2 created a topic of Merry Psycho

I love this and her especially

FIRST??? Omg I thought he fukec around with the other girl guess they meant in a different away

people on TikTok keep saying she acts like a teenager do yall even read so annoying shes way mature than that stupid manwhorebitch how is she actin like a teenager tf DONT HATE ON MY POOR GIRL UGH

Pathetic jerk she’s not coming back to your broke lazy ass he probably didn’t even shower or brush his teeth while they were living together ew why is he so weird loser she has a new man DIE