love this so much!? and ofc something like this wouldn't get a high rating lol (the first one got low rating too and i love that one).
although there was this one part that i thought was really weird. like i can't believe noburu just complimented that girl's legs in front of his bf, he had been very thoughtful throughout so what was that even? i know that he didn't like the girl or anything but still, he knew that daichi was a little insecure so why? (or is this a normal behavior? lol). other than that he's gotta be one of the most green flag one out here
love this so much idk why it has such low ratings despite getting lots of votes. like none of the characters annoy me like some of the other mangas lol. maybe because it has little to no dramas? that's it ig. i know i always like it when mangas have very little drama =)
the second pair is so frustrating for me. am i the only one feeling reallllyyyy bad for jaehyuk that i feel like they shouldn't even end up together, or at least seungchan had to go through some grovel phase before they even got together. idk man, i remember reading the first couple of chapter long ago and liked it, i just came back to read the whole thing but i felt so frustrated i can't even enjoy the last ten chapters or so
i hope some of you don't go around complain about the art style changes where the author can see it (i know EVY is on twitter), it's such a crappy thing to do (to any artist)
who's the girl leto saw with the nails, did i miss something. also idk if miss anything again but have we seen Tao as wolf before
i have so many problem with this and I'm only on chapter 7. seeing that the rating is pretty high, and i knew it was quite popular at one point too, I had high hopes but its pretty cringe so far. please someone tell me if it does get better or anything, im so curious
ahh the last part where mikage suggested that he send the veggies he grew himself to his family was sooo wholesome. imagine having a partner THAT thoughtful ueueueue
came for the plot, stayed for the scrunkly art. honestly ive always loved this squiggly, scrunkly style drawn for comedic purpose. i think the ones ive seen on twitter are done by korean artists as well. they are always so funny and cute
if he starts to cut him off i wouldn't even blame him. life can be hard and sometimes you just have to sort it all out before getting into a relationship i think
can anyone recommend something similar to this, it could be danmei novels or manhua/manga
looking at the cover idk how some people really thought that this would definitely be wholesome and got offended when it wasn't lol
the art is immaculate! the way the author draw some of these intense scenes is really cool, and also wow love that piggy is quite the perseverant character
ayo horus is so embarrassing. but i still love that he can be true to himself in a way lol, im sure he'll grow tho. he's the king. dude really forgot that he's got a country to govern
damn that woman was awful. i know she had some kinda illness and sentarou admired her and everything but still. ofc im not excusing the black haired dude either (i have to say this before anyone whine that "its always the women who got the hate")
its weird how much people baby seth in here lol, even mojito has mentioned something similar before.
like, why bother reading something as controversial as ennead if all you gonna do is whine about everything also why bother continue, its already ch153 bruh. seth can take care of himself, just like how he will atone for his sins and will get his revenge using his own strength, i believe in him. instead of talking about how much he's grown yall still treat him like he's a pitiful baby boy (he is a pitiful character but thats besides the point). media literacy is dead fr