the angels pissed me off so bad but then "could you speak with baby voice?" now i can't stop laughing lmao. i mean this chapter is filled with unserious panels. love it! also i know the righteous people of mangago hates daewoo so much but i hope he gets his happy ending somehow lol (i wanna say more but i already feel the insults and the stones the '2d human right' people want to throw at me)

pretty intresting. i like how asada nemui really knows how to make you feel rather uncomfortable but still make it sweet and wholesome. i do feel like making hitoshi look like a kid while behaving rather "childishly" sometimes was a bit an overkill. especially when ma kept calling him cute lol (makes you wonder whether he was being condescending or he likes it young ya know. or maybe hitoshi is just cute idk)
also i do like MaXTatsuki (i think hat was his name)
again i don't hate daewoo. I'm glad he's still around lol
(before anyone accuse me of being the reason why there's so many rape in bl manhwa lol that's not my fault. those manhwa/mangas tend to be generic anyways, and the rape make them worse so i never support those. daewoo is a bit different for me though ofc it would be great if he get to pay for what he did but i don't hate that he's around)
And why don't you hate him? Or hell at least dislike him? Why are you glad he's still around?