I was like wtf... mr. badcop guy tries to almost pin the case on those two by evading their lives and next thing u know it his culprit is his lover but then i was like hehe nvm... Badcop will get killed by his lover what else than that? I can't wait till that happens or smthng

Why would the police officer be killed by his lover, when his lover is clearly devoted to him? The motives for the murders still aren't clear.

Yeah I thought at first it was gonna be a “lover becomes a killer and tried to pin the stuff on someone else as convincingly as possible so his police officer babe can get the case and then a promotion and be happy and fulfilled and they’ll live together happily ever after.” Because that plot by itself seems so interesting? Maybe for a diff story.
But I’d seriously love to read a story, as twisted as it would be, of a way over the top devoted lover going around murdering and committing twisted crimes at such an expert level that they are able to get them convincingly pinned on other people for their crime detective babe, who is unaware, to move up the ranks. Such an unhealthy and dark plot but would be interesting to see how it could play out in a fully-fledged story.

The seme is a dick but we all know that nam needs acknowledgement, oh come on stealing nam's work if I would have someone like ma in my life I would embarass him not the best way I could but the way I could possibly do in my position. I feel bad for Nam he deserves more in life he is smart not like me or some others but acknowledge the fact because of that DAMN MA he didn't get the position of ma it is not funny because if we put ourselves in his shoes how do you think you would feel as a man?
OF COURSE! Nam is so kind, you think about it, when he has the chance to sabotage ma he won't do it!
We all put ourselves to the fact that MA IS A DIPSHIT and Nam deserves to be the smartest and the Boss at the company.When the tables are turned wont it be exiting to have his face around?

It is interesting but I am waiting for when she actually tells him that with his money she covers hospital bills of her mother, you may call her stupid in love but towards her mother she will sacrifice everything and anything...I wonder what her husband will say when he finds out, everyone will change their view of her.
One of the bad things is that she kept getting hurt over the years and she needs a proper husband to support her not marry an ass who realizes tears later that she keeps getting hurt but always endures it for her mother ┗( T﹏T )┛

The next thing you know,Oscar faces reality and can't cope with the fact that Lily is gone...Childish, too childish Oscar,no one wants to wait for you, and who else? sure blame Lily for everything!
Of course,because you can spoiled bitc
I hope a Lily confronts you as a whore! Why blame him that time when he didn't confront you to the news! if he did people will flock around you like birds,eventually losing you the title for everything and being a disgrace and Lily can only look at you pitiful while he is replacing you at the top and will become you,rich selfish and I wonder if that guy supporting you will come back for you
Maybe he might be the matador of Lily but then you know he will never meet the same bull twice, get it Oscar? So pack your shi* and leave
Little Baby Dg awwww. noo why he is crying soo hard my heart hurts and I secretly enjoyed the toys but Alex!