is somebody up to shoving a pineapple up his ass
You know, if we're being creative, why not just shove in everything that we could see, from the very smallest marbles, to the biggest appliance, and see how well we can make him stay alive in the process, not to mention how well we can make it as painful as possible... letting him die from bleeding is just too easy. xD
Why not? I can definitely think of ways to do that... like, say, taking his consciousness into a computer, and then connecting wires all over the body(perhaps?) and then giving it the sensation of having a fridge shove into his ass, using the computer to heighten the sensation, therefore replicating the pain without actually killing the body...
No one said we can't do that, and besides, I'm sure 'somewhere', something like that (connecting the brain to a computer to control sensation) is being developed.
this yaoi gave me an existential crisis