I HATEEE the prosecutor im gonna tweak out the little thug is better than him bro
Ash's friends are so rude, talking about an ex in Karlyle's own house?!?!!! Thats such a tough situation to be in, I feel so bad for Karl.
I was horny i ended up here
This is kind of pissing me off, she ran away to get away from him but just immediately caved back in when he shows an ounce of kindness. Plus, the kids trying to force a relationship with them is also weird, but I understand that they are just kids and don't understand but still. I just hate when FL don't stick to a resolve and immediately run back to the people that have basically impacted their life in such a major way. Anyway, lowkey hate Clodan he's a freak, also kind of crazy we've only seen Ray's nipples like 4 times in over 70 chapters lollolol.
I'm actually bawling my eyes out this is so sad, I feel so bad for Annette. I understand and sympathize with Heiner's backstory, however that's not a get out of jail free card for what he pushed Annette through. After pushing her to try and commit suicide, multiple times, you'd think he'd understand that maybe he's the problem. I honestly hope Annette never develops feelings or anything in resemblance of that for Heiner.