Due to his father's transfer, Setoguchi Hotori is forced to attend an unruly school overrun by Yanke...
- Author: yukura aki
- Genres: Comedy / Shounen Ai / School Life / Delinquents
Taiga’s always worshiped the heroes he’s seen on TV. And now that he’s started hig...
- Author: Peyo
- Genres: Shounen ai / Psychological / Romance / School life
Taiga’s always worshiped the heroes he’s seen on TV. And now that he’s started hig...
- Author: Peyo
- Genres: Shounen ai / Psychological / Romance / School life
The boy I love is dead.”Yuugen is a sickly, high school boy with zero motivation in life. He a...
- Author: Araki Yuu,Chocodonuts
- Genres: Tragedy / Romance / Drama / School Life / Supernatural / Yaoi
Your family just got a full access to your mangago account. They can see your reading list, your history, your comments and experiences/questions you posted. What are your following actions? Follow-up question: Same situation, but! This time you get ten thousand US dollars as a reward. If you decline the money, you can completely avoid the scenar......