Due to his father's transfer, Setoguchi Hotori is forced to attend an unruly school overrun by Yanke...

  • Author: yukura aki
  • Genres: Comedy / Shounen Ai / School Life / Delinquents
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  • Author: Tamuko kuwata
  • Genres: Yaoi
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Characters who are "blackwashed" get more hate than characters who are whitewashed. Bitches will be crying and moaning and creating Facebook pages saying the most racist shit to the "blackwashed" characters, but they will turn a blind eye to poc characters who've been made white... Also, nb people who go crazy when a blk person says to not do our h......
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Taiga’s always worshiped the heroes he’s seen on TV. And now that he’s started hig...

  • Author: Peyo
  • Genres: Shounen ai / Psychological / Romance / School life
smolilme add manga to list Touching

Taiga’s always worshiped the heroes he’s seen on TV. And now that he’s started hig...

  • Author: Peyo
  • Genres: Shounen ai / Psychological / Romance / School life
smolilme add manga to list Touching

The boy I love is dead.”Yuugen is a sickly, high school boy with zero motivation in life. He a...

  • Author: Araki Yuu,Chocodonuts
  • Genres: Tragedy / Romance / Drama / School Life / Supernatural / Yaoi
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Your family just got a full access to your mangago account. They can see your reading list, your history, your comments and experiences/questions you posted. What are your following actions? Follow-up question: Same situation, but! This time you get ten thousand US dollars as a reward. If you decline the money, you can completely avoid the scenar......

22 08,2024
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So like I know I cant change my skin color but yea
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20 08,2024