It’s always the people who won’t put their hands in their pocket and pay that have the most to say. Everyone knows how this website works and yet they still demand more, go pay for it if you’re so impatient.
Thank you for all that you have done thus far and I hope your future endeavours bring you more joy than this.

When the princess was insistent that Ian should come to their wedding ceremony, that’s when I knew she was behind the rumours. She was too innocent and nice for too long. When Raymond confronted her on the wedding day about it, I wasn’t even surprised. Betty being behind his kidnap was a surprise though and quite disappointing really. She seemed like such a kind character.
Ahhhh so this leads up to present day where the first chapter starts.
No not really since it happened like 3 years later
But they’re in the same office and he’s wearing the same shirt in chapter 37 as he is in chapter 1. Plus in chapter 1 boss is pissed because Ryu met up with someone he shouldn’t have, Boss is definitely pissed off with Ryu in chapter 37 and now we’re back to present time.
People can wear similar clothing. But no it is not the same situation that happened 3 years later.
No but actually i think you might be right since in the first chapter Noah says "Who told you you can just trail off like that"
Ahhh, well just have to see then.
I’ve gone back and read it 3 times just to be sure, we are caught up at the first chapter now. He literally says “Boss is angry because I ignored his orders and met Kwon Jongshik” in chapter 1. Ryu literally meets Kwon Jongshik in chapter 36 and Boss has found out and visits him in the office in chapter 37. The exact same office and exact same clothes, I’m not wrong.
Thank you. I’m almost certain I’m right, I’m not sure what the other person who replied to me is talking about to be honest. Checking the first chapter and then chapters 36 and 37 will confirm everything I’ve said.