So the perfect ending: uke-kun finds another guy who really loves him they get together. Seme-san realises his feelings too late gets very sad and depressed, a young lady approach him, they fall in love and get together but turns out she was a scammer and steals everything from him, he loses his job and now has to start over. THE END
What an annoying seme, its like he is MCs mom or something the hell dude. What if he toys with dildos? What if he has slept with 2343242 guys? What if? He is single, for gods sake seme acts exactly like those annoying religious family members a lot of us have. MC ISNT DOING ANYTHING WRONG!!! What do you want him to be? a virgin bride? -.-
"of all the alphas Ive been with youre the best" -.-. Its as if he is fucking food or something. Disgusting. Honestly I really dont mind at all when I dont like a pair, I mean both of them cause I just dont care LOL but in this case I fucking love Dojun he is so precious, oh heart cries. Whatever...
Oh so I guess its fine to think whatever disrespectful thing you want during intercouse All though I do respect you guys taste, everyone is free to enjoy whatever as long as isnt against the law, look at his expression lmao Id puke instantly.
Rereading this one. I say Its really weird for a guy to go pick up another in the middle of the night to ride on the -->>> back sit <<<--- of his bike for no reason. Im almost positive Masa-san really had romantic feelings for Honjou, maybe not at the same level he always had for his girl but yeah... also lets not forget its much easier to chose to date a girl (being a guy) then going gay. Masa-san I know you wanted him!! Cant deceive me.
We got ourselves a repressed gay