Well but it is similar is it not? the main difference is that in this one the seme is a "good looking guy" while in the other one the seme is a dirty old man that makes you wanna puke. But they both mind controlling someone and doing whatever they want with them. You guys reaction is funny hahahahhahah thank you
I feel you, I also just keep reading them even though its not exactly my kind of thing. I dont think Ive read that many though, Im open to recommendations, I love smut DJ's they are in general either hot or funny sometimes both, actually Id also say sometimes they just weird but even so its worth reading.
Man I always hate rapers/abusers I never want them to be together with their ukes (unless its pure smut, then I just dont care) But in this one I just cant picture Kyung with anyone else but Yule, and I was actually happy when they talked to each other again in the end It was an open ending but even so to me it felt like they got together again or will get together again after a couple of weeks/months. Looking forward to read next chapter Yule x Kyung ending. Btw imo Yule is like the king of rapers/abusers he spent 70 chapters torturing and raping his partner with no reason to do it so, Ive never seen anything like that anywhere cause even in "Warehouse" and in "Killing Stalking" I can understand (not that I agree) why they are doing those things better. So yeah why the hell do I want the king of raping to be with his uke? idk and I dont care this is fictional and this is how I feel. I remember I droped this one so many times out of hate, I hated Yule so many times too and yet I feel this way wtf. I wish author-san gave us at least 10 chapters or so about their normal life living happy ever after so we could see how they would develop as true lovers, we deserve it after 70 chapters of bloodbath but I guess we get only one little chapter right? I didnt check the raws. I think she coudlve cut at least 10 of the 70 rape chapters and write 10 chapters post trauma or something like this.
i think its cause they both seem so damaged and yule is a terrible guy and kyungsoo has lived with the hauntings and horror this guy has inflicted apon him to the point that its more needing eachother to stay relativaly sane bc they both arent the one who was origanally not yule and the not anymore kyungsoo in the warehouse the maincharacter has done terrible shit to the captor turning the captor who used to be an innocent and nice boy insane with the need to have the mc thus we dont want them together it toxic and depressing seeing these two and especially the captor delve more and more into insanity and then killing stalking its a guy who already had special feelings but is an extreme almost borderline obsessive stalker who ends up getting stalkhome syndrome bc he cant escape so again way too unhealthy but in this one though the mc kyungsoo is terrified he feals reliance on yule and though yule cant develop feelings like a normal person he develops them for our mc so two broken and damaged people and both toxic enough to keep a story going but not toxic enough to have them even try to escape exept for the few times yule went too far but kyungsoo always went back bc even though it seems like it is for the protection of others he doesnt seem too reluctent in the end hope this explaines something
I love Zaizen so much, his life story is so painful and yet he is such a nice person I love how strong he is both physically and mentally btw I wonder what happened to his sister? I mean after they all grown up I dont remeber seeing her. Kirya is kind of an ass but since he saved Zaizen and cherish him so much I started to love him too. Im so sad Zaizen is about to lose yet another person he cares a lot about, his "foster parent" is about to pass away right? T.T Sensei please stop killing Zaizen's relatives I beg you. I want to see Zaizen smiling, he hardly ever do it. When he cried on chapter 51 It pained me so much, he needs to be happy ASAP!! Kirya DO your job properly, yes your job is to make Zaizen happy no complaints.
This might take some time, since - you see - any other approach wouldn't be Kiriya, but Kiriya's way of doing things begets being beaten up (quite predictably). It's not a stalemate per se but...tricky! The remaining question (going by Kiriya's relentlessly audacious behaviour and sticking to his guns...(and sticking his guns...yeah)) would consequently be: will Kiriya survive wooing Zaizen?