I dont really get why the fuck is everyone is like “I hope Bum is happy at the end” Like??? You know he’s not completely innocent to right??? He might be the victim of abuse but he’s a damn stalker and broke into people’s house and not to mention when he had a crush on a girl in middle school he IS in the fault for the misunderstanding and when the girl put some distance because he knew Bum is probably not right in the mind and he’s like so.... creepy towards her?????

Nobody said he is.
None of his actions before were jailworthy and he stalked BECAUSE he doesn't know how to express it since he never had love in his childhood, while Sangwoo did.
That was in high school and that wasnt his fault, she put a distance between them because she didn't care about him to begin with and only used him because he was always alone.
Also, she's the one who looked unter his shirt, like, twice??

yea....but his still um.....cute right?...(im lying to self )

And how is it wrong to want a person who got abused and raped his whole life by everyone AND NEVER HAD ANYBODY, to be happy?
A sad past doesn't excuse SUCH SHIT and he's basically a man child with muscles and mommy issues.

Sangwoo is being such a bitch cuz his daddy beat his mommy, yet he had a normal school life, his mother loved him, we never saw him with bruises, his father was nice to him until a certain time, he's seen as a kind, hot guy by everyone and has several buddies, police chef guy protects his ass, fucks, beats, tortures and kills the girls he brings home and gets away with it.
Bum, who had a much harder past AND life rather hurts himself than others and never had somebody's love.
Parents dead since little, Abused, Raped and undernourished by his pig of an uncle, emotionally abused by grandma, bullied and alone in school, enrolled college for years because his fuckin uncle raped him every day AND Bum said that he lives with him to Sangwooo, sexually assaulted in military&abused, tortured, raped and mindfucked by somebody he loved and forced to kill someone so he stays with him.
Like, holy shit he never catched a break.

Hello? First of all, I don’t care what those tumblrians think. Second of all, I don’t ship SangBum. Lol, they’re really messed up but its really an interesting story. Why did you come up to a conclusion that I think Bum doesn’t care about anybody but himself lol? I’vr never said that? But the double standards, god damn! Breaking into someone’s house and stalking is an act of a criminal. Sangwoo and BUM is both EQUALLY messed up. And their sad sob stories from the past don’t justify their wrongdoings either.

I made that example because the majority of the fandom sadly fucking thinks like that.
Bum was in police stations some time, none of it was jailworthy because if it was he'd be already in jail.
You think a life long abused Stalker who seeked affection is as bad as a narcissistic Serial Killer, Abuser, Woman Bester, Torturer and Rapist.
Okay then.Wow.Lmao.

Nah, the manority of the fandom think that Bum deserve to be happy. Just accept it. He’s made plenty of crime, and both Sangwoo and bum should be in jail. You’re out of context wtf??? They are EQUALLY messed up, not the amount of crimes their doing. Stalking might not be as bad as killing and raping but BOTH are act of criminal.

Having unwanted sex??? Pfft its clear that Bum totally wants Sangwoo’s dick, did you even read? He’s happy, but Sangwoo’s too rough and too demanding that he bleed, but its not RAPE at all because it was consensual. Dumbass. Well damn I can come up to a conclusion that you’re creepy as fuck, why would you justify the act of stalking? ITS A CRIME GODDAMN no matter how big it is, ITS STILL A CRIME.

YOU CLEARLY JUSTIFIED IT LMAOOOO “They're not equally crimes.
Killing destroys families and takes someone's lives, raping is taking control of someone's body and having unwanted sex with the person.
That's fucking worse than what Bum with stalking ever did.“ That’s what you said, honey I clearly said that he should go to an asylum or mental hospital since he’s still messed up, lmao. He totally needs help. Jail, even better.

Totally not rape.Yup.

Oops. My bad, sorry. That was clearly rape. I have to reread that again. All I remember is the day after when Bum is totally happy when they make out. But that was totally clearly a rape. He screamed and said no and said it hurts. I apologize. Still, I don’t think either of them is totally innocent. Bum is still not innocent in my opinion. He should be put in mental hospital, or asylums, or jail. But Sangwoo deserves to go to jail, or sentences to death since he killed too many people. What I meant is both of them is as messed up as the other.

It wouldn't be justice if either of them went to prison, it would be more humane for both to be detained at a high security hospital. The death penalty is abhorrent, how is ever taking anyone's life justified? Both Sangwoo and Bum are not well, and it was this which influenced their crimes, and shows at times they have limited capacity. Bum is at risk of self harm too. Maybe the justice system is different in South Korea, but usually such criminals (and yes serial murders too) would be detained at a hospital which is locked . I disagree with your comment that Sangwoo has killed multiple people. He hasn't. He has been shown to have murdered one, the CEO's daughter. Bum killed the other two people, and Sangwoo however could be regarded as an accomplice.

It's fine.
Rape is just a triggering thing to talk about, so I was being salty.
I think Bum deserves help as long as he stops stalking which he probably did after Sangwoo.Sangwoo did too much for him to deserve anything else but jail or death.
Also, Bum "enjoyed it" because you can get an orgasm while getting raped, even if you don't want to. It's just that disgusting.

Yes. Rape is really triggering, I do agree, and I was ashamed because all I remember is when Bum was totally happy in the second season after they made out, so I was having a vague memory of what happened before. I’m so sorry.
Yeah, I hope they got jailed or sent into an asylum or both go to jail or Sangwoo got sentenced to death.

Ok no. I see where you're coming from but they ARE NOT equal crimes. However the difference is that Sangwoo is the definition of a psychopath who deserves to go to a high security prison for the rest of his life. He was never remorseful for any of the things he did and he continues to manipulate and take advantage of Bum considering his horrible past. Bum is incapable of connecting and communicating with others because of the trauma and mental illness he gained after everything that happened to him. To say they're the same is completely ignoring the two characters' personalities. It isn't about the two of them being equally "messed up" it's about this power dynamic that has loomed over Bum for his whole entire life. Each situation Bum has been in he was always the person below the ruling party. Their "sob stories" are a reason for the way they act and move throughout the story but it's not a justification for their actions. I feel like you have to acknowledge the fact that Bum is mentally ill at the end of the day and his need for human connection is what completely takes over his rationality.

Indeed, but it's important to realise that even though they both do abhorrent things, BOTH Bum and Sangwoo are mentally unwell, both are behaving unrationally and criminally due to their codependency. Also, Bum hasn't ever shown remorse for any of his crimes either. This isn't just the murders, or stalking, but all of the crimes concerning women before this. Obviously this was influenced by his own personality disorder, but then Sangwoo's lack of visible remorse too has been influenced by his own trauma and poor health. Not showing remorse can be a result of dissociation, a legacy of an abusive upbringing, or repressing traumatic memories etc. It doesn't mean a person is a "psychopath" and I do wish all the armchair psychologists would stop using this term, as it's not validated. Both characters are criminals, both are reliant on each other, both abuse each other in their own way. Both would be sent to a high security hospital, rather than prison in most developed countries as both are shown to not have capacity, suffer from illness and be at risk of suicidal behaviour.

1.*Murder, he killed one person, don't act like the older man is his fault.
2.He did feel remorse.
As well as with the girl from back then.
3.Bum never abused Sanqwoo, tf?

Can I suggest you a reread of the story? Because everyday you write incorrect things, especially about Bum, probably you forgot some important details. Bum showed remorse, Bum showed empathy over people who suffer like him (like his classmate, but he also spared his uncle in chapter 33), and above all, he never abused Sangwoo. At least please explain what you mean, because everytime I asked you how and when Bum harmed Sangwoo you ignored my message ( and not only mine). And Sangwoo knows well what he's doing, he created his outward likeable personality because he knows he's a criminal. He plans his murders and he's a liar
actually this is the first time ((from what could be competent to be)) a cheating scene thats making me not anxious. yoshino literally give zero fucks im stanning