A little bit of context here, this story takes place 5 ish years after omega complex. So we would like to believe his character has improved and his ideas on love too. They even hint at him tutoring a kid in the other story. At this point the main leads in omega complex are basically married and all that.

what??? are we taking things out of context here? lol yes they do get engage just not NOW as in the timeline of the current chapters of alpha trauma. they literally got engaged after the mention of dohyun and yeon dating. sure they have a ring but that's the couple ring they got during the main story plot. the mentioning of yeon and dohyun was in chapter 45 (side story) where it's the same chapter where he was legit asked if he's tired of DATING for 5 years hinting that he and taegyeom are still dating 5 years later lol and the korean military service literally takes 1 year and half and this timeline happened JUST AFTER dohyun came back from the military lol after the main plotline end of omega complex, dohyun was released for the military which meant this is 2 years AFTER the main plotline of omega complex (not the side stories) because dohyun and yeong started dating 4 years later lololol you reread but can't comprehend? they seriously get engage 3 years later, not this timeline but after 3 YEARS of this plotline lololol and moreover, after taegyeom's rut ended, that's where they got engage LMAOOOOO get your timelines straight, you can't even defend it cause go reread it again and comprehend chapter 45 LOLOL
in conclusion, alpha trauma took place 2 years later since yoonwoo was already a TA wherein he already graduated while dohyun is in the military. they get engaged 4 years later and they'll have a baby AND dohyun will be dating yeon in 3 years. in this timeline, yoonwoo and taegyeom are just dating for 2 years

and also if this is 4 years later (which it isn't) dohyun should've been graduated by now lol since military just takes 1 and a half years atleast and college is 4 years (depending on your course) dohyun was on the military during his 2nd year in college so i believe my timeline is more accurate than yours. if this is 4 years later, then dohyun and yeon would've been dating. dohyun is mentioned to be a graduating student in this timeline where he only has 1 year left before he officially graduates because he just got back (he literally have a sunbae still, a scummy one at that)

Does anyone think that the brothers look way to alike. Could they be twins? But also a carbon copy of their dad, I hope its not laziness but when they get in the same room together (I assume at one point) I would not be able to tell them apart. Also I fear the brother will find out about the ML girlfriend project and ruin it BECAUSE THEY LOOK THE GOSH DARN SAME.
I think we were supposed to see "he didn't fit" in the censored panel or not completely in because he's a bit idk frustrated in the panel after it. I feel bad that FL is just wanting to get it over without really feeling him out. Like you said you wanted to what's happening? Also thinking about the ex ugh I get it but also no girl new man
Mistranslation. She's asking if he is all the way in already or nah
Ya makes sense