YagngaYanga want to do ( All 2 )

read 1000 manga or more adopting cats

YagngaYanga's experience ( All 0 )

YagngaYanga's answer ( All 17 )

Nope. I don't want one either, here's my reasons: 1. I don't find them cute, I kinda dislike them, and when they're around me they make me kinda uncomfortable (though sometimes I do find myself curious as to what type of person they'll grow up to be) 2. Too much work, I can only just handle small pets that are kept in cages (though, this is mostl......   1 reply
20 10,2018
First pic is from: Devil's Temptation Second is from: Unordinary Third is from (I think): Finally living together with my anti-fan   reply
19 10,2018
Don't know what I am yet, never been in love with someone or felt sexual attraction to anyone yet.   reply
23 08,2018
I've been having some issues and have considered overdosing on pills to get the docs to do something, I don't wanna die, too much of a pussy, my issue and the fact that it's making me pause and stare at pills is pretty fucking pathetic but it's not like I'll actually do that, once again, too much of a coward to do so. But, speaking of this, makes m......   reply
18 08,2018
Team uke all the way, I dunno why but I've always loved underdog characters and I mean L O V E, I know there are strong, non-underdog ukes but I love them all the same, I guess they still kinda feel like underdogs to me   reply
17 08,2018

YagngaYanga's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did have a shower thought

“When the chile is tea but the finna is gag. Sis, I'm dead as a chile.” — Ethel Cain, probably.

1 hours
did test your personality type

it said ISFP

5 hours
did test your personality type

Whatever I took the test I always get INTP.

6 hours