The smut starts around chapter 98 or 99 of the novel so hold on sister. It will be a long long trip.

The available translation was so difficult to understand T.T that I just half read. .
-But I just learned the ML is green flag, in the jelly side though.
-There is a terrorist group that kidnaps MC and a rich kid, but he saves both.
-MC and ML start as sex partners. MC propose it first thinking that the ML would feel repulsed ... but ML was actually waiting for that. He just cares about the MC. He even hired a person to follow the MC.
-They start dating around chapter 120. ML liked him way before but MC keeps thinking that ML and the girl are fated partners, so he overthinks most of the time.
-The girl is nice so far, and she is an apprentice of the MC. And MC buys her a dress. The ML gets jelly.
This is like the 5% of the novel, many things happen that are important to the plot, but the translation and many names confused me.

The landlady was visted by the loanshoarks.
Yeomin gets a job in the sauna place so he can start working and plans to stay there,
He returns to his home to pack the rest of his stuff but he sees the landlady throwing away his books and Yeomin approaches to talk to her, but the loansharks where hidden behind her door and they got him :(.
They hit Yeomin so much and leave him on the streets. Taeseo goes to his home and finds Yeomin with bruises and crying,

I don't think so. I truly believe he's going to take him in. He knows Yeomin's story with the loan sharks and in the past, he always showed up when Yeomin needed him the most. He may be a jerk but he has shown compassion whenever the situation was delicate and I am sure he'll act the same way this time as well. Actually, I think it's Yeomin who will refuse his help. He has too much pride withou mentioning his past trauma. There are also the harsh words he told him before about Yeomin acting all needy and stuff. Because of that he will resist a little bit but they'll end up living together in few chapters. I don't see any other opinion for Yeomin anyways. I hope I am not wrong

Bringing Yeomin to live with him will get Taeseo out of his comfort zone since he's never been that close to his former lovers before. He needs that so he can finally get to know Yeomin. So far he's been exclusively using him for his own convenience. Taeseo character must evolove and that would be the best way for that. I just hope his jerk side won't come up again and he will make a stupid deal with Yeomin like: I let you live with me and will help you pay your debts if we keep having sex ://

Oh no what makes you think that? The story is a slow burn and once Taeseo falls completely for Yeomin, you can be sure he will stand against every single person who wants to harm Yeomin. It's about time. Just have faith in Taeseo. He's a jerk but he's not heartless. The author even gave us some hints when at the hospital the nurse referred to Taeseo as Yeomin's 'guardian'. He will become just that and way more ^^

In the new chapter 68, the Korean raw.
The roles changed. Jihwan takes the role of Gyujjin, and Taehee (the guy with piercings) takes the role of Jihwan.
Jihwan told Gyujin "He was in front of you this whole time, and you weren't able to get some". Same applies to Jihwan, he already had the heart of Sooyung but he had to ruin everything because he got stupid.
In the last conversation, when Sooyung confronts Jihwan about what he did to Taehee (hurting him). Jihwan repeats the same things as Gyunjin.
Jihwan feeds and forces his delusions of living together with Sooyoung as if he agreed to that. Same as Gyujin did in chapter 12
Sooyung tells Jihwan that he prefers to live with Taehee than him. Same as he told Gyujin in chapter 11, He said he preferred to stuck with Jihwan than him.
-Sooyung thinks that Jihwan uses the same tone of voice and has the same vibe as Gyujin, even repeats the same words in Chapter 14 and chapter 31.
Gyujin kind of warns Jihwan about Sooyung. He told him "Sooyoung is good at toying with people and refused to put the whole time" Of course it is not Sooyung's fault. Just that the two guys got obsessed over him and feed more their delusions.
The difference between them is that Jihwan is the ML and he is going to end with Sooyung because the author put the tags of #RegretfulTop and #RunawayBottom and the author said she loves unhealthy love. Also Jihwan doesn't hurt physically Sooyoung, just mentally (both are bad).
My conclusion is that Sooyoung kind of attracts the same type of men, maybe he has some daddy issues.

This is how I think Jihwan is going to regret and have a redemption arc. Sooyoung is going to try to commit su*cide himself and maybe almost accomplishing. So Jihwan is going to start "feeling" how his father felt when he lost his mom. He will regret and stop being so controlling and happy ending for everytone

It's amusing how Jihwan is unknowingly following the same path as Gyujin. We have limited information about Taehee, but in the raws, he gets injured, undoubtedly due to his connection with Soo Young. Taehee's decision how he’ll handle this predicament will reveal his significance to the story and it might also indicate whether he can be a formidable rival to Jihwan.
Taeseo hugs Yeomin and asks him “Who did this?” (Who has beaten Yeomin?)
Yeomin tells him that the loansharks got him and Taeseo brings him home.
Taeseo remembers how scared Yeomin was when he confused him as a loansharks. He carries Yeomin to the guest’s room.
Yeomin asks if He went to see him today? And Taeseo gets surprised about his own behaviour because he has never done that.
He calls secretary park to investigate Yeomin and the loanshark company.
Next day Yeomin plans to leave and lets a note on the fridge thanking for letting him stay but Taeseo asks why he packed his things and is leaving?
Yes! I knew Taeseo wouldn't disappoint us
I'm soooo relieved ! Even though it's a cliche and predictable plot I fell in love with the characters.
I wonder if the author will go off track at some point... I've loved this author since the first 3 chapters and I commented here lol and got a lot of downvotes LOL.
I don't think the author will go off track. Her previous projects are all green flags
He was good today. If Taeseo was a jerk, it would destroy all the moments they had together. Now he will keep Yeomin safe at his home.
Next problem will be Yeomin and Taeseo respective fathers, I think.
Hmm I wonder if there will be a misunderstanding between them that forces Yeomin to run away. Because Yeomin asked his hyung about part time jobs far away from the city.
Yeomin is also planning to run away right after his graduation. From what I remember je is 23 so very close to graduation I believe?
OMG you clocked the potential angst to come. I forgot about Taeseo’s dad wants him to get married and settled down ASAP and Yeomin’s dad keeps taking out loans and running away, making Yeomin’s life hell. The dads need to stay TF out of their business
Yess yessssa
what happens now friends? how long of a hiatus?
I don’t think there will be an immediate hiatus. But author said the end of season is coming soon, but no idea how many episodes are left. And then… hiatus for months.