I've been reading the comments instead of reading the story ever since Cain left. I'm not saying I hate Yahwi, no. But the main issue that I have toward this Yahwi character is that, from the start, he saw Jooin as a toy, not a human being. From raping him, to psychologically/mentally/emotionally abusing him. I remember reading the earliest chapters and feeling mentally drained.
Mind you, I've read many other mangas of various genres but NEVER have I had such drainy feelings. Reading Jooin going through emotional circles with Yahwi was a bitter pill to swallow. But I had to because I thought to myself, there must be someone better for this kiddo or he'll FINALLY stand up for himself.
To cool off the whole tension, the author decided to bring Cain into the picture. I feel like it is unfair for the author to bring this character just to be thrown away because these two knuckleheads (Jooin and Yahwi) can't think with their heads but with their balls only. But then again, Cain helped us to see the side of Jooin that we've never seen before (laughing, goofy, funny, dorky...)! He basically brought the best out of Jooin.
Many will argue that: "he did also manipulate Jooin just like Yahwi is doing" or "he is creepy because he is hiding a secret from Jooin" or, as I once read on a comment section somewhere on Twitter: "Cain must be involved in a shitty business that's why he is hiding things from Jooin". Look, you have the right to hypothesize and draw your own picture of who Cain is. At the end of the day, he made Jooin laugh, and act dorky, basically, he made him a human being and not a toy.
Let's just assume that Cain is all the things many people are assuming he is. But one thing he is not: "he is not a rapist and an emotional/psychological/mental abuser. The first time they had sex, they were both aware and he made sure that Jooin knew who he was sleeping with. Even though they both knew the reason why Jooin consented to sex.
Cain is Jooin's first time, except for the sex of course. It is the first Jooin hears someone truly tell him that he loves him, he is Jooin's first kiss, He is the first man who held his hand in public, I can name more.
Even though Cain is Jooin's first, I feel like he won't be his forever because of the direction the author is taking with this story. Basically using Yahwi's trauma to justify the rape and all the abuse on Jooin. To completely bury all these actions under the rug, I have a weird feeling that he'll turn Cain into some kind of evil human being who will hurt Jooin in some way or another.
This is a story that could have highlighted the topic of "victim survival" but instead it's highlighting "abuser manipulation". Don't get me wrong here. I'm not saying that Jooin and Yahwi shouldn't talk and forgive each other. Of course, they should. But the way the author highlights it by pointing out the past trauma to excuse the present abuse Jooin experienced in the hand of Yahwi, is what I do not agree with. Once again, Yahwi is using emotional/psychological manipulation to reach his goal. He said it himself: "he always gets what he wants".
Yahwi needs therapy, not a relationship. Of course, He deserves to be happy. And, he needs to learn earning someone's love, respect, affection shouldn't be done through manipulation.