Just created a topic of Yours to Claim

First of all, I'd like to acknowledge how beautiful this chapter was. The light, the colors, the emotions and Cain 's words. JUST BEAUTIFUL.


That Yahwi kid did a number on Jooin to the point where the latter has forgotten how to express himself, or how to trust himself, or how to respect other people's kindness. Then again, many abusive relationships have that toll on the victim. It's a heavy price to pay. But with therapy and a GOOD PARTNER who is willing to help and support, victims can overcome the trauma.

It's not always easy to ask for help because it comes with fears of relieving the abuses. But then again, one can either choose to live with the pain of the past or heal from the pain of the past.

Speaking of the devil...
Jeez, when I saw Yahwi on my screen, my PTSD almost resurfaced. But, the fact that he appeared in this chapter and did not say a single word nor thought a single thought besides those three dots was a 6+ in my opinion.

Minus 4 points because just when I thought Cain was finally free, Jooin mumbles something to him. But if he told Cain to never come back, that'll be a ten billion+. Cain doesn't deserve this craziness, he deserves better than this crazy nonsense.

And, if Jooin wants to go to that Mr "I can now assault you for the rest of our lives since you chose me", be it.

Just created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

I get that they are protecting him but dang what a waste of a flight ticket to be welcomed like that!!! Well, luckily he didn't pay for it, I hope!!!

Just created a topic of Free in Dreams

If the girl at the end is a new FL, I'm up for it because I can't take this current one bossing him around. He is trying but she is not even seeing his effort just caring about herself.

Just created a topic of Yours to Claim

What I've learned from this chapter is that Jooin does not deserve Cain. Until the day he proves me wrong, that's my thought.

Sure, Cain is not perfect only because he is blinded by love. But he is better than Mr. "I can assault you for the rest of our lives, and make sure you only desire me once I break your soul and mind because of my past if you choose to stay by my side".

At this stage of the story, which is still at point zero, I don't care if Yahwi and Jooin end up together because Jooin is still beyond repair. AGAIN, unless he proves me wrong.

Just created a topic of Eleceed

If you hurt Kartein again, I'm gonna slide into your DM and leave plenty of angry emojis

Just created a topic of Yours to Claim

Please, I hope the hiatus lasts forever! That's my dearest wish.

Just created a topic of Yours to Claim

I used to love Thursday and Friday. Like Especially when the week gets to Wednesday I'm like please Weekend comes fast. But today, I lose lives just thinking about Thursday and Friday. Thank you "yours to claim", you turned my weekdays into a yours to chain.

Once again the author brushed off the sexual assault that happened in the car like it was nothing. Just as he has done with all the assaults Yahwi inflicted on Jooin.

Cain, it's not you, it's both of them. They are both selfish deranged individuals and they deserve each other. I know one day, you'll find someone who will cherish your love and respect all the sacrifices you'll make for them out of unselfish love.

I can't wait for this manhwa to end so that I can FINALLY get to enjoy my Thursday and Friday.

Just created a topic of Eleceed

I didn't see that coming, Kartein...
Dung he got me good

Just created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

That's where his mercenary enrollment journey started!

Just created a topic of Yours to Claim

"Jooin, you are only good to me in moments like this"? Saying this to a guy who is in his vulnerable state? This story is the true definition of what not to do IRL and the type of partner to avoid IRL I'm reminded of the saying: "Love does not hurt or does not envy". But the number of times Yahwi went out of his way to hurt Jooin because he wanted to process him or Jooin went out of his way to let Yahwi abuse or assault him is still flabbergasting to me. How can you allow someone to hurt you this much when you know that you have the choice to leave them and NEVER look back?

Unfortunately, the author is creating a narrative where the abuser has the power, through manipulation, to regain anything or anyone that has escaped their fingers.

Cain does not deserve Jooin at this point: he deserves someone who TRULY knows how to value and love themselves first before valuing or loving him in return. And everyone deserves a Cain in their lives.

Just created a topic of Again

This story is my painkiller! I'm currently reading stories that are driving me nuts and this story calms me down! I hope it stays that way, forever!!!!!

Just created a topic of Again

A drama in this sweet story?

Just created a topic of Nerd Project

Derek's face must have been in contact with so many fists. Then again, looks like he has been asking for them. At least, try fixing your personality Derek boy.

Just created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

You can dislike my comment but I really really REALLY ship Ijin and Alice! What's her name (the student chick) is a burden to my boy.

Just created a topic of Yours to Claim

Wao, this is beyond embarrassing!
I started rereading after the special chapter because I want to see who is the deserving person Cain will end up with.
But the author is truly sinking with the plot.

Just created a topic of Yours to Claim

Booger! My first comment is MIA. I'm too lazy to rewrite its contents.

Yahwi and Jooin, just get together and let Cain find someone who loves him. At the end of the day, we all know that the author is dying to make Jooin and Yahwi end the game.

Dear author, I respect the hard work you have been putting into this artwork. But, the more you focus your energy on trying to fix Yahwi, the more you are turning him into an undatable person. It's truly laughable. Sure, you are turning him into a human because he is healing from his past trauma but every week the dude is using that to justify his violent actions toward Jooin. It's killing the whole story.

If there was a game titled: "Every time Yahwi uses his past trauma as a reason to justify the way he belittled Jooin, you take a shot". Boy, I'd be drunk every week.

Just created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment
Just created a topic of Yours to Claim

I know the author is capable of creating an amazing story. But for this one, something went awry. 84 chapters in and still no progress whatsoever. Even though he is trying to make Yahwi and Jooin the end game, nothing in the pacing of the story makes sense anymore. It is as if he is making up stories as he goes along. Did he lose motivation? Who knows?

Just created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

004 you're cute but please use your brain sometimes and you'll see things clearly.

Just created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

I'm shipping Alice and Ijin. She is tough and independent.
I can't with the other girl; what's her name again? I mean the student Chick