It's heartwarming to see the father talking to his son without cursing or yelling at him.
The difference between Jooin ending the relationship with Yahwi versus him ending it with Cain is that, with Yahwi, based on their dialogue in previous chapters, Jooin realizes that he does not love Yahwi anymore. What he feels for Yahwi is more pity or compassion than love. He cares for Yahwi like a friend/brother. While Jooin's decision to break up with Cain is solely based on his belief in Cain's older brother's words; Cain's love for him is synonymous with a mental dislocation. Fairly speaking, Jooin believes that Cain has gone awry.
I kind of get where the author is trying to go with this story but then again the breakup feels incomplete. It feels incomplete because only Jooin and Yahwi had a complete breakup ending based on Jooin's realization of his feelings towards Yahwi. Well, Yahwi has become someone he feels sorry for. While with Cain the breakup feels more incomplete because the decision was made based on a third party's opinion about their relationship; in this case Cain's older brother.
I wonder how will Jooin react when Cain's younger brother or older brother confirms to him that Cain is, in fact, not crazy, but is simply in love with him. Boy, that'll be extra depressing to read.
I can't argue with the fact that Cain's love for Jooin should have been written differently. Well, what's done is done. But, the reality check Cain needed to hear the most was to acknowledge himself as a human being, not as a dog, and to learn how to live in the present as well as to learn how to love himself first. And Jooin was able to convey that to him.
At the end of the day, the choices made right now will finally help them all move on and heal from this burdensome poisonous experience. Jeez, don't we all need that!
But, the author being the author, I won't be surprised if his end game is Jooin and Yahwi because that's what they've been shipping for since chapter one.
But, your granddaughter has got to step away in the far background because Ijin's shipping is with 002! Their love is unbreakable! They care for each other, they know how to defend themselves and they check up on each other to make sure that they each are ok, they fight for each other. Plus no women ever can turn them against each other.
That's what I call true love right there.
You've got to respect 002 calmness to solve 003's betrayal.
This is the true definition of bros before hoes.
First, she is hot!
Second, they flinched. Is that a good flinch or a bad one? Is she like a double-sword agent? Jeez, I'm curious and worried about the other numbers.
"You realize the value of what you have only until you've lost it."
You had him in reach hands, but you kept playing push-and-pull games with him. That's only because he was around and you knew you could still tame him and he will take it. But, now that he has decided to let go of the rope you used to control him and left you, you are talking about bitterness? I'm speechless.
I won't call you an idiot, selfish, or any other type of negative connotation. No, I will not! Instead, what you are is afraid. You are afraid to choose because you are afraid to love and be loved. But mostly, you are afraid of yourself. You believe that you will not meet the expectations of the one you decide to choose. How would you know the future if you haven't even given the present a chance?
At last, you who have let the rope go, run. Run far away and never look back. Change a phone number, a name, or a country. And, indeed, the pain of having loved the one who could not love you back will take a while to go away but trust that with time, it will. And, when that time comes, you'll finally be able to smile and enjoy the smallest things in life. Then, make sure you find yourself the one who deserves your love. Allow yourself to love and to be loved by someone. Don't close your heart to love forever.
And you who have been clinging, in an illegal way, to the fearful one, please, take time to heal. Don't narrate to yourself that by being in a relationship despite your toxic personality, things will get better. No, they will not. You need medical help to heal from all your past demons. Then once you have healed, find yourself the one who will guide you upward and not downward. And, you, in return, have to play the same role as the one who'll let you in their heart. Don't rape, abuse, or manipulate them. And stop using your past to justify your actions. Face the present moment and learn to live in it. Be each other's source of support.
Lastly, to You who are afraid to choose, accept the loss and take time to heal. Take time to be with yourself. There are maybe 4 billion men on the planet, and I'm sure there'll be one you'll be able to choose for yourself. Learn to take risks in love and learn to say no when you come across someone who abuses you in the relationship from the get-go. Don't be someone's puppet but instead be each other's source of strength, comfort, and trust.
Kayden: What a shame, Jiwoo should have seen my greatness
Kartein's face spelling: You have got to be kidding me. What a narcissistic punk
Dude, you are the one cutting your life short.
If only you knew the higher-ups Ijin knew, you wouldn't be breathing the same air as him.
Siyun needs a new girlfriend. She has been restraining them so much and he has been trying his hardest to be a good boyfriend. But the second something happened to someone, she did not even give him the chance to explain. She did not say: "I need a break". But instead, she went straight to: "Let's break up". Then continuing to blame for being fake. She is toxic to him. He needs to be away from her to properly heal.
Yessssssssssssss! Things are about to go down the hill!
After many chapters of drama, let's get back to fighting mode!
I just realized this manhwa is also tagged under COMEDY. Well, I'm still waiting to break my bones in laughter! Hopeful wishing?
Thank you for showing up!!!
That low-life bad man hurt Kartein so badly! You need to send him to hell!