Is it over? My blood pressure can't take it anymore! Please let Endo be down as in not able to fight or get back up.
It's like people enjoy getting beat up by Ijin! When he tells you not to do something, reply with "yes, I won't do it". Don't wait for him to start cracking fingers or toes to give him an answer! Sigh!!!
Kayden, Kartain, and Pluton you guys had one job and one job only. To keep your mouth shut. But you just had to!!!!!
Something feels fishy! I'm getting a weird vibe here! Are they planning to kill off the Ijin"s grandpa? I hope I'm mistaken! But something is not right!
This went on some wild tangent. Even I was flabbergasted how all these grown-ass men could not read the mood in the room! (lol)
Well, guess they have never experienced LOVE before.
This is getting so boring and repetitive. Instead of talking about important stuff, here we go and back to square 0 (jealousy, fighting, and all the blah blah. I get the jealousy if it was pointed out and talked it out 2 chapters back then moved on. Sigh!!!!!!!
I clicked so fast to read this chapter! Now I'm running so fast to get a tissue! Grandpa, your words are like medicine we all need to hear.
I love this manga. I started watching the anime but then moved to reading the manga.
Chapt 144: This Endo character must be desperate for validations. I feel bad for his lost soul. He is so broken that hates seeing joy in other people's faces.
I know Sakura will knock some senses into him and he will be able to see light at the end of the obscure tunnel he has been walking in. (At least that's how I see it)!