If Heejae can fix his bad manipulative personality then I would love to see Heejae x Jisuh
If Sunyool can be more mature and support Jisuh emotionally then I want Sunyool x Jisuh's ship sails
In this point both semes are still messed up, I can't see Jisuh will be happy with any of them for long time, they will break Jisuh more ( ̄∇ ̄")
But so far I guess the author will go with Heejae x Jisuh, Heejae is yaoi typical seme, being tall, handsome and rich. Also we can his character's developments here and there.
Up to chapter 20 I don't have any character I like ( ̄∇ ̄")
Up to chapter 34
The character I dislike the most is Minjae, grew up as abused child and then abuse others (what he did to Eunsung was so cruel) and just neglect kid (the orphan one) who needs your help, just wow. He's so manipulative and has no sympathy for other human being other than his "dad"
I hope there will be any character development of his tho, but so far..nah
Disgusting teacher. It really make me angry to see adult who supposed to protect the boy be a rapist and abuser. The boy has no other place to go why did you do thatt, and to think there are really people like that and cases like that in real life, sigh
I stumbled to too much tragedy yaoi, I think I need a break ㅠㅠ
The artwork of this manhwa/manga is really beautiful
Btw while reading this I keep thinking YuYang is sooo extrovert, totally my opposite lol, I keep thinking it must be feel nice to have a lot of ppl know you and befriend with you. BTW YuYang pls go talk to LiHuan, it feels suck to be blocked like that ㅠㅠ clueless LiHuan
Wow this kind of story is new for me ( ̄∇ ̄")
They meant for each other I guess