Rainfire's experience ( All 0 )

Rainfire's answer ( All 2 )

30 here and very rarely comment.   reply
31 12,2019
29, female, straight, white, married from the U.S. I work a corporate job and am a mother. My mom is gay and I'm Wiccan, so I've always been very open-minded. Slowly stumbled into yaoi but have been a hardcore fan over a year. My first ship was Watanuki and Domeki from XXXholic, years before I became an official yaoi fan! My husband and friends th......   reply
23 02,2019

Rainfire's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did being an insomniac

I used to be such a chronic insomniac at some point, but it's improving rn. Or not, idk. I'm trying my best to fix my sleep schedule

10 hours
did coping with ocd

been working on it since i was 7!

11 hours
did ending friendships

they were always a shit person tbh but my limit was when they admitted to being a genuine pedo

13 hours