Anything but love triangle, any spoilers please, I'm gonna drop it if it is, I absolutely can't stand love triangle
Not a love triangle
Deja Vu...... Repeat chapter
So did he sleep with the black hair creep ???
And minhyung killed namhyun jst to have yijae can't let his effort be in vain sorry director u jst got stuck in the middle of the drama
I'm team minhyung all the way, jst don't like the director I don't know why he jst pisses me off like it has something to do with his face
Yup. Me too. Love Minyung.
I don't understand the hype about the director, but yeah team minhyung
I know it's gonna be good, so 5 stars
And I'm only reading this cus of Mephisto
Enough is enough, I hate nergal so much, from the moment he said- u can do whatever you want(with Leon).I want Leon to kill him so fucking brutally
Shit my eyes are blessed
Anything but love triangle, any spoilers please, I'm gonna drop it if it is, I absolutely can't stand love triangle
Not a love triangle