Rape again whyyy. Why can't ppl make D/S and plays consensual in the fictional world? Don't read it.
Edit: Damn touched lil bro nerves in the responses, sorry for mentioning rape's wrong will be mindful next time
Aye, nothing wrong in stating facts you know? It's just that we (as in people who read rape bl's for a living) just hate people when they say it rude way.
Like "what's wrong with you?" "You need to be locked up in an asylum"
Don't get me wrong, rape is bad, but it's fictional. There is nothing wrong in writting a comment warning people about the type of manga it is you know?mind you I appreciate the fact that you said it in a respectful way atleast :)
Lmaooo my point. The stories y'all read is up to you, I can't change it.
It's MY right to state my dislike and warn others about this yaoi, and it's YOURS to ignore it and just read it lol. I ain't here to shame readers just my rant about yaoi.
It does irks me when ppl like simp wanna fight me over it though. Like damn read it then, make it sound like I'm scolding them personally xD
After all the shit that's on homepage of mmg, this is a comfort mine of gold