I’m glad most of the comments are like fuck ml because i dipped on chapter 2
Fucking did like you’re trying to hurt him and you constantly disrespect him I’m trying so hard to get further but Jesus he’s pissing me off and MC is just taking it like damn do something atleast pinch the mf
Everyone sticking their nose in their business. Everybody has something to say like the CEO really irks my nerves along with Min. Mind yall damn business
Min is standing a the door while theyre doing that. Hes definitely getting more bitter.
To see the second couples story. I wonder have they messed around because hes way too comfortable putting that bulge on his butay
Not going to lie. Im disappointed in them lol, so disappointed i skipped the sex. Lets see what happens next.
Cause a part of me was like why do i feel like the rain is geonwoo crying. Lll he was trying to get boss to say the word so bad.
I was rooting for you! You were suppose to stay firm maybe give him a hug but not a kiss. I was smh the whole time like he better not. And leo cmon you can be better than this. That was not fair.
( ̄へ ̄)Im am very dissatisfied by this turnout. Who in the world sleeps with their sisters ex to exact revenge. I hate how they make the uke so naive? Idek if thats the word i want to use.
Idk why but its feels Jstar is the brother even though its mosts likely not it feels like the doppelgänger is Jigu lol