There is no defending the way he's talking to him. Yes I can understand taking your job seriously but people need to realize you telling me I'm doing horrible is not going to boost a person's confidence. Yeah he messed up it happens in real life itbwontnbe perfect all the time. He an ass to everybody there is a way to critique without being a ass and I feel like that's what people fail to realize. Dont tell me what I did wrong is tell what I can do better.

But it annoyed me for some reason when when Yi was dismissive of the idea of his mom not telling him about his family.

It might be a cultural difference. Growing up in an asian household, my parents have always been quite dismissive/ vague about issues they didn't want to disclose and I've never questioned.....they sort of beat it out of you. The general consensus was 'it is what it is', not something I should worry over (or often said, 'not your business, how're your grades doing?') haha
Annoy me idk y but they just do .