thank you new uploader!!!
even though i finished this before i really want to reread it here!!

No worries! I did find it in Spanish tho
They break up, i think the 5th chap is the last from what i saw! the seme messages uke saying how he wants his earring back, they meet, talk it out and then they're back together. The seme promises to only love the uke and to stop playing around, then they have sex and then the page says
i think I'm mixing up what I'm reading. There was this healer, a woman a very strong healer but she belongs to a team?/guild that were so strong but they didn't help in a certain attack. but the leader was manipulating her (she always have the teary/crying face). i thought it was here when there is a unexpected rift that happened. can you help me guys know what manhua is that from?