Daves created a topic of Backlight

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh too short I repeat too short!!!!!!

Daves answered question about have an unpopular opinion
He is not fine at all
Daves answered question about question
Daves created a topic of Myungtae, You Little Rascal!

My Christmas present was amazing

Daves answered question about explain your username
Yeah my username explains myself on the outside but the opposite on the inside
Daves created a topic of Jinx

The truth is you can’t force him to like you the more he force the more jaekyung gets irritated

Daves created a topic of Jinx

Men that guy told him nothing but the truth

Daves created a topic of Codename Anastasia

Nice it’s time to heat up

Daves created a topic of Dear Teddy Bear

Men that black hair guy is handsome the author/artist is making it hard to choose

Daves created a topic of Showered With Love
Daves created a topic of Backlight

I hate when it’s ends at the good part

Daves created a topic of Penetrate Me With Your Eyes

To be frank he’s beautiful

Daves created a topic of An Abyss

First time seeing him serious

Daves created a topic of Binding of Unrequited Love

Another ‘let’s play’