Why the tops always have to be a jerkss in this manhwa

I don't think Heesung and Jaekyung are friends.
This topic is clear. Your first comment is clear.
That I love morning diamonds aka me is a cyberstalker impersonating the real one as they tried to defame him.
In that comment they are trying to make it look like their target can't see the abuse or how toxic Heesung and Jaekyung is. They are trying to make them look bad and you will go after the real user. there are 4 accounts that look the same and I have an cyberstalker impersonating me.
TM thinks Jaekyung is dull and this story is dull. He loves Dan. He will talk about the toxicity of JK.
MD has never give an opinion but has said he does not like toxic stories. So given that he does not like JInx or Jeakyung. The cyberstalkers make it like he loves Jaekyung and Jinx to attack him. They made three of us see nothing wrong with Heesung and Jaekyung. When TM was saying Heesung was a red flag from chapter 30 something to have more harass us. And they think they are a troll trolling...

"He and Jaekung are in the same talent agency. "
"They're the same age, too, so it's be nice if they could get along..."
"But Jaekyung treats him like he's a total nuisance.
My point to you was they are not friends. This si not about you passing judgment on them. You got you were not allow to pass judgement from "I don't think Heesung and Jaekyung are friends."
I don't know understand your thinking. The rest of my comment was about the situation here and not about you but to say you were clear and you were being played.

The pedophile Morning diamonds DMed a 16yo user for pics and his defense is ''Pedophilia is 13 and below''. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/15991932/
He is a rape apologist and says women fantasizing about rape to be normal and healthy. He claims Jaekyung never raped Dan in fact the opposite.
Tmsmyz is one of his many alt accounts. Morning diamonds is his main. He has 10+ other alts accounts.

Cyberstalkers impersonating their targets. The morning that diamonds that respond is the morning diamonds that DMed theirself to frame the real user. We have debunked them. The cyberstalker MD is a rape apologist as they deny a rape survivor her rape. They are gaslighting everything. They believe 10 + people are one person. They did claim it was joke but it seems like they believe it now. It is because they are targeting MD and TM. Cyberstalker thing to do. They are talking about themselves and trying to push it on their victims. So if you believe them and went after their victims, you got played by them. They are gaslighting. Ignore the cyberstalkers.

What a joke you literally just denied a real rape victim yesterday And that fake ass rape victim you're talking about RoseBlossoms is your alt that you created to defend you other account when everyone was against you for saying Jaekyung didn't rape dan. And you got caught using that fake rape victim alt. Embarrassing. You also dmed a 16yo for pics excusing it by saying ''pedophilia is 13 and below''

"What a joke you literally just denied a real rape victim yesterday "
Never happened.
"And that fake ass rape victim you're talking about RoseBlossoms is your alt that you created to defend you other account when everyone was against you for saying Jaekyung didn't rape dan."
Rose was no ones alt. Her account was created in 2020. They are claiming it was made at the end of last year. Rose's account was not created to defend anyone. And everyone = lame haters. We are not alone. That is the truth and the majority thinks that. Cyberstalker tactics. See they deny Rose her rape. They are rape apologist. They should they were the real rape apologist and now if they can admit that and they are a pedo on their real account.
"And you got caught using that fake rape victim alt. "
This did not happen. And I am not whoever they want me to be. Rose was a rape survivor and not an alt. One of them could not handle the details she posted of her rape. They demanded her to explain why she did talked about it.
That account is the one that Dm that themselves. none of their targets dmed their alt account.
https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3703695/ has admitted to being a pedo and admitted to email herself.
And they are making 4 or 5 people to had dmed her.
And no we are saying they can't claim pedo when pedo is more than asking for a picture.
and she is 16, they can't use pedophilia to slander their victims.
They are not excusing they are debunking the claims when the real MD posted his blank email chat with her with numbers. The sockpuppet can not. It is embarrassing to gaslight and twist the situations for their own advantage. They don't seem to understand the truth and they have failed. They keep the same embarrassing gaslight and try to harm their victims. They have been debunk with all of it. I would never want to be them because they are only embarrassing themselves. They keep changing everything. They only want a fighting and they are not getting.

The cyberstalkers are doing this because they are angry. They are angry because TM and MD have proved them wrong and called them out. This is all over a pov in Jinx. The cyberstalkers can't handle other views. They want only their false opinions and hate spreading on this page. They have silenced many of the fandom. The cyberstalkers are fighting to have rape in the story. Who fights to have rape be in a story. Who blames their own actions on their targets. Their targets are innocent and they are trying to make them look like a villain. Their targets have said no and stop many times. The cyberstalkers don't stop. They are embarassing themselves. I am just explaining the truth and exposing their gaslgihting. they know they failed but they keep pushing. They claim to be trolls but they push to hard and trolls would had gave up. No one deserves what is happening to their targets. Their targets don't deserve this. They are mad at objective reporting because it crumbs their view point. Who gets mad and hates people when they are only objective reporting. crazy.

Yeah exactly you keep using your same embarrassing gaslight to try and explain away your rape defending views, mocking real victims by doing so directly (like yesterday) or creating fake rape victims, grooming minors and wanting women to enjoy rape fantasies. All this yapping and you still can't deny Jaekyung being a rapist. I guess this will be your cue to exit yourself or keep talking gibberish to avoid refuting the proof that even mingwa intented to portray: there is rape in jinx

Ignore the cyberstalker. That was more gaslighting. They try to talk to me and they have been told no and stop. They have been told to stop contacting us.
I wished they will stop talking to me. I am trying to talk to innocent bystanders that are getting mislead by them as they defame their innocent victims.
They can only, harass, gaslight, lie, insult and stalk.
They need to stop the catfishing we don't want to talk to them. They were block and they need to stop contacting us.

The pedophile Morning diamonds DMed a 16yo user for pics and his defense is ''Pedophilia is 13 and below''. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/15991932/
He is a rape apologist and says women fantasizing about rape to be normal and healthy. He claims Jaekyung never raped Dan in fact the opposite.
Tmsmyz is one of his many alt accounts. Morning diamonds is his main. He has 10+ other alts accounts.
Byul is just like his mom