And after allat that muscle brained horse still can’t think about anyone but himself?? How incredibly fucked up in the head do you have to be to repeatedly rape someone, lash out at them almost everyday and not care for them at all?
These characters have literally NO depth to them at ALL. That muscle brained horse can only think for itself and doesn’t think consequences are a thing!
Dan is just a soggy dish cloth! After all he’s been through, and the obvious power imbalance he still thinks a game of jenga cancels it out.
Neither of them are capable of thinking about complex stuff, they have zero depth!!!
NOT a good read, do better, author!

So true, this is literally js a retarded stereotype of bottom and top bl’s, top is abusive and rapes ppl for the life of them and the bottom is legit js a little retarded weakling. This story has no flavor AT ALL whatsoever and atp, I’ll just drop this, the author better not even continue the story AT ALL cs its so trash
Dat guy Jinmu liked, the one who brought him the immortal plant, is either a lil too into jimnu or he was just a liar…. Hummmhummmhummm